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Past Events 2008

8 December: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

Reading Group: 17th Century Spanish American Travelers.

Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora’s Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez - along with Kimberle S. López's "Identity and Alterity in the Emergence of a Creole Discourse" and Fabio López Lázaro's "La mentira histórica de un pirata caribeño". 

3 December: Americas Seminar

University of Warwick

'"Don't be Frightened Dear... This is Hollywood": British Writer-Directors in Early Hollywood Cinema'

Dr. Ian Scott (Manchester)

[This event will take place in H545] 

3 December: Eighteenth Century Seminar

University of Warwick

‘What went wrong? Louis XVI and the origins of the French Revolution’

Prof. Joel Felix (University of Reading)

2 December: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'Milton, Hobbes, Marvell, and L'Estrange'

Geoff Kemp (Auckland)

28 November: History of Medicine Reading Lunch

University of Warwick

Science or Spectacle?: The 'Freakshow' and the Medical Documentary

27 November: History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

Where does a claim for the necessity of historical knowledge lead in the human sciences?

Roger Smith

25 November: History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

Psychology, Well-Being, and the Landscape of the Child in Post-War Britain

Mathew Thomson (Warwick)

19 November : History Seminar

University of Warwick

'The Language of Appearances in Early Modern Germany'

Ulinka Rublack (Cambridge) 

18 November: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'"Casting away the care of their Countrie"?: English Catholics and naturalisation in late sixteenth-century France'

Katy Gibbons (Warwick)

13 November: Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

Origins of Economic Underdevelopment in the Middle East

Prof. Sevket Pamuk (LSE)

[Room: IAS Seminar Room, Millburn House.]

11 November: History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

The Public, The Private, and the Sanitary: Domesticity, Development, and the Household in Northern Nigeria

Steven Pierce (Manchester)

3 November: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

Reading Group: Latin America through Magical Realism.

Selections from Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude, from Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris (eds.) Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community and from Alberto Moreiras’ The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies.  

29 October: Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

Law and the Economy of Early Morden India

Dr. Tirthankar Roy (LSE)

28 October: Americas Seminar

University of Warwick

"La Famosa Filadelfia: Spanish-Language Print Culture in a City of the Americas"

Prof. Rodrigo Lazo (University of California - Irvine)  

22 October: Eighteenth Century Seminar

University of Warwick

‘The Brokered World of Knowledge: Go-Betweens in Calcutta in the 18th Century"

Dr. Kapil Raj (EHESS, Paris)

21 October: History Seminar

University of Warwick

'Togliatti: A Man Between Two Worlds'

Aldo Agosti (Torino)

[This event will exceptionally take place on Tuesday. 1-2:30pm, This event is co-sponsored with the Department of Italian.]

21 October: History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

The History of Medicine in Corporeal Thought

Roger Cooter (UCL)

21 October: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'Legal education and the use of drama at the early modern Inns of Court'

Paul Raffield (Warwick)

20 October: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

Research Seminar Naturalistes sans Frontières: the professional profile of the naturalist in 18th century Spanish America.

Dr. Helen Cowie (Warwick)

Co-sponsored by CAS and History

14 October: Americas Seminar

University of Warwick

"Caribbean Cyberculture: Who is afraid of the Matricks?'

Dr Curwen Best (University of the West Indies) 

8 October: Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

Old Shanghai, New Shanghai: Ten Theses on a Once-and-Future Global City

Prof. Jeff Wasserstrom (University of California, Irvine)

7 October: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'Taking beer rights seriously: Brandenburg and Swedish Pomerania 1660-1700'

Masatake Wasa (Oxford)

29 September: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The Tomóchic rebellion.

Selections from Heriberto Frías’s Tomochic, Alan Knight’s “Rethinking the Tomóchic Rebellion” and Paul J. Vanderwood’s “Millenarianism, Miracles, and Materialism”.

22 September: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The Canudos war.

Mario Vargas Llosa’s La guerra del fin del mundo and Robert Levine’s “‘Mud Hut Jerusalem’: Canudos Revisited”.

18 August: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The Tomochic rebellion.

Heriberto Frías’s Tomochic and selections from Paul J. Vanderwood’s The power of God against the guns of government: religious upheaval in Mexico at the turn of the nineteenth century.

28 July: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The northern frontier: Apache invasions and border identity in northern mexico

Justo Sierra’s “Un cuento cruel” and selections from Ana María Alonso’s Thread of Blood: colonialism, revolution and gender on Mexico’s northern frontier.

23 June: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

Maximilian and the second Mexican Empire

Fernando del Paso’s Noticias del Imperio (historiographical work to be confirmed)

20 May: History Research Seminar

University of Warwick

'Secrets and Lies': British Communism and the Spanish Civil War

Tom Buchanan (Oxford)

19 May: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The Second French Intervention in Mexico

Ignacio Manuel Altamirano’s Clemencia and selections from Florencia Mallon’s Peasant and Nation. The making of postcolonial Mexico and Peru.

6 May: History Research Seminar

University of Warwick

'Polygamy in Early America'

Sarah Pearsall (Northwestern)

30 April: Eighteenth Century Seminar

University of Warwick

'A perfect Swarm of Fremantles: writing a history of family, state and empire, 1789-1790'

Elaine Chalus (Bath)

28 April: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The Mexican-America War and Mexico's national identity

Manuel Payno’s El fistol del Diablo, Josefina Z. Vázquez’s Una tragedia que reafirmó la identidad. La guerra del 47, and selections Mariano Otero’s “Consideraciones sobre la situación política y social de la República Mexicana en el año 1847”.

31 March: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

Buenos Aires in the age of Rosas

José Marmol’s Amalia and chapter 5 of Nicolas Shumway’s The Invention of Argentina.

12 March: Eighteenth Century Seminar

'Art, advertising and the Academie: the visual forms of Parisian artists 'trade cards'

Phillippa Plock (Warwick)

4 March: Social History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

'Immobilising the Mobile: Colonial Confinement and Quarantine in the British Maritime World'

Clare Anderson & Katherine Foxhall (Warwick)

27 February : Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

'Chinese Development and World History: Putting the 'East Asian Model' in Perspective'

Kenneth Pomeranz (Univeristy of California, Irvine)

25 February: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

The end of the Wars of Independence and the First Mexican Empire

Francisco Manuel Sánchez de Tagle’s “Oda al primer jefe del ejército trigarante”, Francisco Ortega’s “Elegía a Iturbide en su coronación” and selections from Timothy Anna’s The Mexican Empire of Iturbide.

20 February: Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

Joint IAS Special Lecture and Global History Lecture

'Consumer Trade of the Four Parts of the World: Imagining East, West, America and Africa in the Eighteenth Century'

Ann Smart Martin (IAS Visiting Prof. from University of Wisconsin)

19 February: Social History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

A Revolution in Maternity Care? Women's Relationship with the Maternity Services, c.1948-1974

Angela Davis (Warwick)

5 February: Social History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

Anxiety, Social Adjustment and Maternal Attachment, 1930-1960: A Biographical Thread in Anglo-American Psychiatry

Paul Weindling (Oxford Brookes)

5 February: History Research Seminar

University of Warwick

'Commerce, Christianity and Civilization in Sierra Leone in the Late Eighteenth Century'

Suzanne Schwarz (Liverpool Hope)

30 January: Eighteenth Century Centre Seminar

University of Warwick

'Marie-Antionette, Pornography and the Origins of the French Revolution'

Simon Burrows (Leeds)


29 January: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'The Exclusion Crisis of 1553 and the Elizabethan Succession'

Dr Paulina Kewes (Oxford)


28 January: Latin American Reading Group

University of Warwick

'The Impact of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution'

Alejo Carpentier's El siglo de las luces and the first chapter of Franios-Xavier Guerra's Modernidad e Independencias.

23 January: Global History Seminar

University of Warwick

'Chinese Consumerism in the Twentieth Century'

Karl Gerth (Oxford)

22 January: Social History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Care of the Self Amongst Les Malvoyants of 19th-Century France

Ingrid Sykes (Warwick)

22 January: History Research Seminar

University of Warwick

'Jan Smuts, the United Nations Preamble, and the Rhetoric of Race and Rights'

Saul Dubow (Sussex)

16 January: Eighteenth Century Centre Seminar

University of Warwick

'a compleat Body of all Arts and Sciences': Forms of Knowledge in the Eighteenth-Century Novel.

Alexi Tadie (Maison Francaise d'Oxford, Sorbonne University)

15 January: Early Modern Seminar

University of Warwick

'The Essex Rebellion: Subversion or Supplication'

Dr Janet Dickinson (Warwick)

8 January: Social History of Medicine Seminar

University of Warwick

'Degeneration, Regeneration and Trauma: Locating the History of Shell-Shock'

Tracey Loughran (Manchester)

8 January: History Research Seminar

University of Warwick

'Margaret Mead Amongst Natives in Great Britain'

Peter Mandler (Cambridge)