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Past Events 2009

7th December 2009 - Latin American History Reading Group

Reading Group: Fancies of the Second Mexican Empire.

Selections from Fernando del Paso’s Noticias del imperio, Egon Caesar, Conte Corti’s Maximilian and Charlotte of Mexico, and Erika Pani’s Para mexicanizar el segundo imperio.

3rd December 2009 - C18 Seminar

Postgraduate organised reading session.

2nd December 2009 - Global History Seminar

Armies, States and Empires: Armed Forces and Society in the World Politics

(Tarak Barkawi - Cambridge) chaired by Gurminder

1st December 2009 - History of Medicine Seminar

Loss of Innocence: The Shaping of Childhood Sexuality around 1900

Dr Lutz Sauerteig (Durham)

30th November 2009 - Americas Research Seminar

French Atlantic and Caribbean Workshop - Details

Venue - IAS Seminar Room, Millburn House, University of Warwick.

25th November 2009 - Americas Research Seminar

Mexico At Warwick Day

This one-day event consists of various activities, including a public lecture, a cooking demonstration, and an international symposium. For more informaiton please see Details.

Sponsored by the HRC, Santander Universities, The British Academy and the Mexican Embassy.

Venue - National Grid Room (Warwick Arts Centre)

25th November 2009 - History Research Seminar

"Students, Guns and Votes: Kenya's Cold War, 1963-69"

(Dan Branch - Warwick)

24th November 2009 - Early Modern Seminar

‘”Spinning”: Information and the experience of events in C16th and C17th Italy’.

 (Filippo de Vivo)

23rd November 2009 - Latin American History Reading Group

Research Seminar: ‘Sloth Bones and Anteater Tongues: Collecting Nature in the Spanish Empire (1770-1830)’. Dr. Helen Cowie (Warwick)

 19th November 2009 - Cultural History Seminar

'Forensic medicine and the practices of identification in the Crippen case'

 Fraser Joyce (Oxford-Brookes)

 19th November 2009 - C18 Seminar

‘The Nature and Role of Traders”: Letters in the Long Eighteenth Century’.

(Professor Pat Hudson - Cardiff)

17th November 2009 - History of Medicine Seminar

Uses of a Pandemic: Forging the Identities of “Spanish Flu” and Virus Research in Interwar Britain

Dr Michael Bresalier (Bristol)

17th November 2009 - History of Medicine Reading Lunch

'Physical Disability, Rehabiliation, and the Socialised Body'

5th November 2009 - Cultural History Seminar

"Holy Engrossed? Ernest Renan's Readers and the Spiritual Politics of Historical Controversy in Nineteenth-Century France"

(Robert D. Priest - Oxford)

3rd November 2009 - History of Medicine Seminar

Luminaries of Fin-de-siècle France: Aesthetic, Scientific and Medical Cultures of Light, c. 1880-1930

Dr Tania Woloshyn (Richmond)

2nd November 2009 - Latin American History Reading Group

Reading Group: Reimagining (or not) the Mexican-American border.

Selections from Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses, Mark Busby, ‘Into the Darkening Land, the World to Come: Cormac McCarthy’s Border Crossings’ and Daniel Cooper Alarcón, ‘All the Pretty Mexicos: Cormac McCarthy’s Mexican Representations’.

28th October 2009 - History Research Seminar

"Digital Developments and New Online Resources"

(Richard Parker & Lynn Wright -Warwick)

27th October 2009 - Early Modern Seminar

The Early Modern Forum: an Introduction.

20th October 2009 - History of Medicine Seminar

Worlds of Goods or Vulgar Counters? Provincial Apothecaries and the Early Modern Medical Marketplace

Alun Withey (Swansea)

22nd October 2009 - Cultural History Seminar

'Refiguring female selfhood within the post-war far left activist terrain: narratives of activist women in late 1960s and 1970s Britain'.

(Celia Hughes - Warwick)

22nd October 2009 - C18 Seminar

‘American Exceptionalism, American Imperialism: The Imperial Turn in Early American History’

(Professor Trevor Burnard - Warwick)

13th October 2009 - Early Modern Seminar

 'Master and Servant in C17th England: Sir Richard Newdigate and his Household Staff c.1678-1710'

(Professor Steve Hindle - Warwick)

6th October 2009 - History of Medicine Seminar

Democracy and Mental Health: An Analysis of an Interwar Experiment and Some Reflections on its Relevance to the History of Psychiatry

Dr Jonathan Toms (Warwick)

12th May 2009: Early Modern Seminar

'Philip and Mary: The Formation of a Reputation'

Alexander Samson (UCL) 

28th April 2009: Cultural History Seminar Series

The Battle of Hume Street, December 1969 - June 1970: Student Protest and Architecture in Dublin

Erika Hanna (Oxford)

For more information please see abstract 

28th April 2009: Early Modern Seminar

‘Cacciare il Papa di Roma; Henry VIII and the Princes of Italy, 1538-9’

Susan Brigden (Oxford) 

27 April 2009: Latin American History Reading Group

Reading Group: Mexico in the Foreign Imagination.

Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano and Ronald Walker's Infernal Paradise: Mexico and the Modern English Novel.

21 April 2009: Social History of Medicine Seminar

Everyday Technology and Everyday Health in India, 1880-1960

David Arnold (Warwick)

11 March 2009: C18th Seminar Series

'The radical as aristocrat: the second earl of Shelburne fashions a self'

 Pr. Lawrence Klein (University of Cambridge, Emmanuel College)

10th March 2009: Early Modern Seminar

'Letters as Social Action: Epistolary Ceremonial during the Reign of Louis XIV'

Giora Sternberg (Oxford)

5th March 2009: Cultural History Seminar Series

Technologies of Compassion: Towards a history of humanitarianism, 1860-2009

Bertrand Taithe (Manchester)

For more information please see abstract 

4 March 2009: C18th Seminar Series

‘Indian Ink: writing about writing and books about books’

Pr. Miles Ogborn (University of London, Queen Mary)

3 March 2009: Social History of Medicine Seminar

Picturing Nature in Sixteenth-Century Europe

Sachiko Kusukawa (Cambridge)

2 March 2009: Latin American History Reading Group

Research Seminar: Looking towards Philadelphia from Anahuac: the use of the Constitution of the United States of America in Mexico's 1823-24 Constituent Congress.

Francisco A. Eissa-Barroso (Warwick).

25 February 2009: History Seminar

'Post-Colonial Scholarship as a "Descendant" of Russian Oriental Studies of the Early Twentieth Century'

Vera Tolz-Zilitinkevich (Manchester)

24 February 2009: Global History Seminar

New Directions in Writing Global History

Prof Lissa Roberts (University of Twente, Netherlands)

24th February 2009: Early Modern Seminar

'Churchwardens and the Growth of Parish-Based Poor Relief, 1400-1598'

Marjorie McIntosh (Colorado) 

19th February 2009: Cultural History Seminar Series

"Struggle is a Beautiful thing:” Narrative Experimentation and Visual Abstraction in Jacob Lawrence’s Migration of the Negro (1941) and Elizabeth Catlett’s The Negro Woman (1946-47)

Celeste-Marie Bernier (Nottingham)

For more information please see abstract

18th February 2009: Americas Seminar

'Enslaved Southerners, Rumour and the American Revolution'

Dr. Betty Wood (Cambridge)

18 February 2009: Global History Seminar

Fiscal and Monetary Institutions in Mugal India

Prof. Om Prakash (LSE Visiting Fellow from University of Delhi)

17 February 2009: Social History of Medicine Seminar

What’s Wrong with Rights? Health Consumer Groups and Patient Rights since the 1960s

Alex Mold (LSHTM)

4 February 2009: Global History Seminar

Cosmopolitan Islamic Eurasia in the Early Modern World: A new approach to doing regional,intergrateive and global history

Dr. Gagan Soon (Cambridge)

3 February 2009: Social History of Medicine Seminar

Narcissism Americanized: Privation and Plenty, Asceticism and Abundance from Sigmund Freud to Christopher Lasch

Elizabeth Lunbeck (Vanderbilt)

2 February 2009: Latin American History Reading Group

Research Seminar: Patriotic Heroes or Hopeless Drunks: Alcohol Masculinity and National Identity in Nineteenth Century Mexico.

Deborah Toner (Warwick).

Co-sponsored by CAS and History

28th January 2009: Americas Seminar

'Hollywood Censors History'

David Eldridge (Hull)

27th January 2009: Early Modern Seminar

'Commerce in Palaces: Urbanism, Retail and Residential Architecture in Early Modern Italy'

Fabrizio Nevola (Oxford Brookes)

21 January 2009: C18th Seminar Series

"Dressing for court: sartorial politics and fashion news in eighteenth-century England"

 Dr. Hannah Greig (University of York)

20 January 2009: Social History of Medicine Seminar

‘Hat On – Hat Off’: An Extreme Approach to Trauma in Western Kenya

Sloan Mahone (Oxford)

20 January 2009: History of Medicine Reading Lunch

Art, Bodies and Medicine

From Gunther von Hagens' displays of plasticated bodies, to the emergent 'bioart' movement, this session will focus on interactions between science, medicine and art.

12 January 2009: Latin American History Reading Group

Reading Group: Eva Perón.

Tomás Eloy Martínez’s Santa Evita and the TV documentary ‘Evita: the Unquiet Grave’.