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Past Events 2010

7 December 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

Witchcraft in Exeter, 1558-1610

(Mark Stoyle - Southampton) 

6 December 2010 - Latin American History

Research Seminar: "'Redes de patronazgo del virrey Sebastian de Eslava en el Nuevo Reino de Granada".

(Dr. Ainara Vázquez Varela - Warwick)

30 November 2010 (jointly with Stvdio) - Early Modern Seminar

Poetry and Portraits in the Renaissance

(Lina Bolzoni - SNS, Pisa)

18 November 2010 - C18 Seminar

'The Counterrevolution Is Not Over: Commemorating Legh Richmond'.

(Kevin Gilmartin - University of York) 

17 November 2010 - History Research Seminar

'England's Culture Wars: godly reformation and its enemies, 1649-60'

(Professor Bernard Capp - University of Warwick)

16 November 2010 (jointly with the Centre for Caribbean Studies) - Early Modern Seminar

Smugglers and Privateers: Competing Imperial Ideologies in Later 17th Century Jamaica

(Leslie Theibert - Yale)

15 November 2010 - Latin American History

Reading Group: The “Dirty Wars”, Memory, and Reconciliation.

Selections from Lawrence Thornton, Imagining Argentina (1987), Antonius Robben, ‘How Traumatized Societies Remember: The Aftermath of Argentina's Dirty War’, and Louis Bickford, ‘Human Rights Archives and Research on Historical Memory: Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay’.

28 October 2010 - C18 Seminar

'The Purposes of Playing: print, people and performance in an imperial public sphere'

(Kathleen Wilson - SUNY Stony Brook)

25 October 2010 - Latin American History  

Research Seminar: ‘“An officer of my royal armies, of experience, zeal and selflessness’. New perspectives on the appointment of military officers as Spanish American viceroys in the early eighteenth century’. 

(Frank A. Eissa-Barroso - Warwick)

19 October 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

Oliver Cromwell and Ireland: Folklore, History, and Memory

(Sarah Covington - CUNY)

12 October 2010 (offered jointly with the Centre for the History of Medicine) - C18 Seminar

Making it in Tranquebar: Science, Medicine and the Circulation of Knowledge in the Danish-Halle Mission, ca. 1732-43

(Niklas Thode Jensen - European University Institute, Florence, Italy)

7 June 2010 - Latin American History

Reading Group: Popular-Elite division in nineteenth-century Mexico.

José Tomás de Cuéllar’s ‘Baile y cochino’, from La linterna mágica, Manuel de Ezcurdia’s ‘Modernidad de Cuéllar’, and ‘Introduction’ in William H. Beezley and Linda A. Curcio-Nagy (eds), Latin American Popular Culture: An Introduction.

18 May 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

'Angels and Popular Belief in the English Mystery Cycles'.

(Dr. Laura Sangha - Warwick)

13 May 2010 - C18 Seminar

"Travels into Print: Writing, Exploration, c. 1780-1850"

Charles Withers (visiting Warwick IAS Fellow and University of Edinburgh)

11 May 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

The Private Life of Public Health: East India Company Surgeons, Medicine and the Domestic Sphere, c. 1750-1850

(Professor Margot Finn - Warwick)

11 May 2010 - Americas Research Seminar

"Black-Indianness on Mexico's Southern Pacific Coast: Place and Identity in Performance and Narrative"

(Laura Lewis - James Madison University)

10 May 2010 - Latin American History

Research Seminar: 'Viceregal ineptitude or court politics? The suppression of the first viceroyalty of New Granada in 1723'.

(Francisco A. Eissa-Barroso - Warwick).

4 May 2010 - Americas Research Seminar

'Why Was There No Scramble for Latin America?'

(Professor Alan Knight - Oxford)

27 April 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

Bruised Witness: Bernard Spilsbury and the performance of twentieth-century forensic expertise

(Dr Ian Burney & Dr Neil Pemberton - CHSTM Manchester)

27 April 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

'Verbal Violence in the religious confrontation in sixteenth-century France'.

(Prof Mark Greengrass - Paris)

26 April 2010 - Latin American History

Reading Group: Latin America’s identity and the Indian past.

Alejo Carpentier’s Concierto Barroco and selections from Rebecca Earle’s The return of the native: Indians and Myth-making in Spanish America, 1810-1930.

29 March 2010 - Latin American History

Discussion of paper by Alejandro Londoño titled 'Libertad de imprenta y ley penal en los orígenes del Estado colombiano'.

10 March 2010 - Global History Seminar

Global History and Public History: Reconstructing the Worlds of Welsh Copper

(Huw Bowen - Swansea)

10 March 2010 - History Research Seminar

"Work, Reward, and Labour Discipline in Seventeenth-Century England"

(Steve Hindle - Warwick)

8 March 2010 - Latin American History

Research Seminar: ‘Yankees, Toffs and Miss Quixote: Drunken Bodies, Citizenship and the Hope of Moral Reform in Nineteenth Century Mexican Fiction’.

(Deborah Toner - Warwick).

4 March 2010 - C18 Seminar

"The First Knowledge Economy: How Technological Change and Economic Development in the British Coal Industry Happened": Visiting IAS Fellow seminar

(Margaret Jacob - UCLA)

2 March 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

‘Topical Prints: printed visual culture from the Popish Plot to the Sacheverell and trial’.

(Mark Knights - Warwick)

24 February 2010 - Global History Seminar

Global Business and Local Knowledge: the Mechanisation and Globalisation of a ‘Simple’ Product

(Kristine Bruland - Geneva)

23 February 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

Scientific playfulness in anatomist Thomas Bartholin's (1616-1680) studies of products of generation

(Ms Signe Nipper Nielsen - Cambridge)

10 February 2010 - History Research Seminar

"Global Cotton: Why an Asian Fabric Made Europe Rich"

(Dr Giorgio Riello- Warwick)

9 February 2010 - Americas Research Seminar

'The Impact of Colonial Projects and Policies on Racism: Discrimination and Segregation'

(Francisco Bethencourt - Kings College, London)

9 February 2010 - Early Modern Seminar

'Trying to clear the mess up: The 1663 East Riding Archdeaconry Visitation'.

(Professor Jim Sharpe - York)

9 February 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

Epidemic Encephalitis and the Making of the Biomedical Brain

(Dr Kenton Kroker - Toronto)

8 February 2010 - Latin American History

Reading Group: Into the Pampas.

Selections from Lucio Mansilla’s A Visit to the Ranquel Indians and Nicolas Shumway’s ‘Argentine Nationalism Part 2’.

5 February 2010 - Americas Research Seminar

Latin American Modernities Symposium - jointly organised with the Centre for Social Theory

Speakers will include:Professor Nicola Miller (UCL), Mauricio Domingues and Aldo Mascereno

4 February 2010 - C18 Seminar

Revolutionaries in Paris: Paine and Jefferson, 1787-1792

(Mark Philp - Oxford)

2 February 2010 - - Americas Research Seminar

'Faulkner in Spanish America'

(Deborah Cohn - University of Indiana)

27th January 2010 - Global History Seminar

Settled Strangers? The Contested Place of ‘Asians' in East Africa

(Gerard McCann - Oxford)

26 January 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

Good Doctors, Bad Blood: Immigrants, Anaemias, and Genetic Medicine

(Dr Roberta Bivins - Warwick)

21 January 2010 - Early Modern and C18 Seminar

The Cult of Seduction: Lust and Gender in English Culture, 1600-1800. Joint session with the C18th seminar.

(Faramerz Dabhoiwala - Oxford)

20 January 2010 - History Research Seminar

"Motherhood c. 1970-1990: An Oral History"

(Angela Davis - Warwick)

12 January 2010 - History of Medicine Seminar

Hookworm and the Imaginery in Early Public Health Campaigns

(Prof Lenore Manderson - Monash)

11 January 2010 - Latin American History

Research Seminar: The making of eighteenth-century Eurocentrism, the construction of America as an inferior world and the inception of the Colombian nation.'

(Andrea Cadelo Buitrago - Warwick).