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Early Modern Reading Group

The early modern reading group meets twice per term in weeks 3 and 8 to discuss set readings on early modern studies. The reading group is primarily aimed at postgraduate students (though all staff, visiting academics and postdocotral fellows are warmly invited to participate) to provide an opportunity to meet, discuss research interests and foster an intellectual comminty of early modernists. If you would like to suggest any topics for discussion, related or unrelated to your dissertation or thesis research, the please e-mail your ideas to John ( We welcome all early modern related themes and ideas. You may also wish to present a paper or lead the discussion. The reading group is a particularly good place to test upcoming conference papers or chapter drafts, in a friendly, supportive and constructive environment.

Previous Sessions:


If you have any questions or trouble with reading material please contact:

Nicholas GeningsNicholas Blunt, the 'Upright Man', and Nicholas Genynges, the 'Counterfeit Crank', from Thomas Harman, A Caveat for Common Cursetors Vulgarly Called Vagabonds (1567)
