Papers Presented
11-14 September 2014: 'Australia'10: The World Beyond the 'Englishness' of the Kinks in the 1960s
('Worlds of Popular Music', IASPM Conference 2014, University College Cork, Ireland)
30 July 2014: ‘We Are the Village Green Preservation Society’9: Olde England in 1960s Pop Music
(European Popular Culture Association Conference, University of the Arts, London)
10-13 April 2014: 'All Gone to Look For America'8: National Identity in the Sounds of California
(59th Annual BAAS Conference, University of Birmingham)
7-8 December 2013: 'American Tune'7: Transnational Identities and 1960s American Popular Music
('Homeward Bound': Nation, Belonging and the American Home, BAAS Postgraduate Conference, University of Nottingham)
18 June 2013: 'Pleasant Valley Sunday'6: The California Myth and the American Dream in 1960s Music
('Myth-Making: From Medusa to Madonna', University of Warwick)
27-30 March 2013: Music and American National Identity in the 1960s
(National PCA/ACA Conference, Washington, DC, USA)
24 November 2012: 'California Dreamin''5: Music, Memory and National Identity In the 1960s
('Memory: America Past, Present and Future', BAAS Postgraduate Conference, University of Leicester)
4-5 October 2012: Having A Cuppa Tea Sitting In An English Garden From Soho Down to Brighton: Representations of 'English' National Identity In the Works of the Beatles, Kinks and Who ('Love Me Do: The Beatles At Fifty', Loughborough University)
5-7 September 2012: 'Come Together'4: The Shared and Diverse Geographies of America and Britain During the British Invasion
('Imagining Communities Musically: Putting Popular Music In Its Place', IASPM Conference 2012, University of Salford)
31 May-1 June 2012: 'Here, There and Everywhere'3: (Re)Interpreting the 'British Invasion'
(Warwick History Postgraduate Conference, University of Warwick)
24-26 May 2012: 'Sail Across the Atlantic to Be Where You Belong'2: Anglo-American Music Exchange During the British Invasion
('Atlantic History Since 1789', Boston University-Warwick, University of Warwick)
19 April 2012: 'A Long Way From Home'1: Reanalysing the Myth of the 'British Invasion'
(Strathclyde University Seminar Series)
15 March 2012: The Foreign Influence of American Music During the British Invasion
(Americas Research Group Postgraduate Conference, University of Newcastle)
24 Januray 2014: Popular Music Pedagogy in Higher Education, University of Edinburgh
12 November 2011: 'American Frontiers', BAAS Postgraduate Conference, University of Birmingham
1 April 2014: 'Writing for a non-academic audience', University of Warwick
2 May 2013: 'Getting Published', on behalf of Retrospectives
('Getting grants, Getting published and Staying sane? Life after the Phd', History Lab Plus, University of Birmingham)
Read Natalie Cox’s report.
[10] Kinks, 'Australia', Arthur: Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1969.
[9] Kinks, 'The Village Green Preservation Society', The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society, 1968.
[8] Simon & Garfunkel, 'America', Bookends, 1968.
[7] Paul Simon, 'American Tune', There Goes Rhymin’ Simon, 1973
[6] Monkees, 'Pleasant Valley Sunday', Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd., 1967.
[5] Mamas and the Papas, 'California Dreamin'', If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears, 1966.
[4] Beatles, 'Come Together', Abbey Road, 1970.
[3] Beatles, 'Here, There and Everywhere', Revolver, 1966.
[2] Beatles, 'Honey Pie', The Beatles, 1968.
[1] Kinks, 'A Long Way From Home', Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One, 1970.