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Lecture Reading: Lecture 13

Yusuf Q. Lawi, ‘Where Physical and Ideological Landscapes Meet: Landscape Use and Ecological Knowledge in Iraqw, Northern Tanzania, 1920s-1950s’, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 32, 2-3 (1999), pp.281-310.Further reading: David Anderson, Eroding the Commons: The Politics of Ecology in Baringo, Kenya, 1890s-1963 (Oxford, James Currey: 2002).

David Anderson, ‘Depression, Dust Bowl, Demography, and Drought: The Colonial State and Soil Conservation in East Africa During the 1930s’, African Affairs, 83, 332 (1984), pp.321-43. David Anderson, ‘Cow Power: Livestock and the Pastoralist in Africa’, African Affairs, 92, 366 (1993), pp.121-33. David Anderson & Vigdis Broch-Due (eds.), The Poor are not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa (James Currey, Oxford: 1999). William Beinart, ‘African History and Environmental History’, African Affairs, 99, 395 (2000), pp.269-302. Grace Carswell, ‘Food Crops as Cash Crops: The Case of Colonial Kigezi, Uganda’, Journal of Agrarian Change, 3, 4 (2003), pp.521-51. John Iliffe, The African Poor (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 1987), chapter 9. Laird Jones, ‘Commercial Politics and the Overstocking Crisis in Mwanza Province, Tanganyika, 1926-1935’, African Economic History, 23 (pp.129-42). James McCann, Green Land, Brown Land, Black Land: An Environmental History of Africa, 1800-1900 (Heinemann, Portsmouth NH: 1999). Roderick Neumann, ‘Africa’s ‘Last Wilderness’: Reordering Space for Political and Economic Control in Colonial Tanzania’, Africa, 71, 4 (2001), pp.641-65. Derek Peterson, “Be Like Firm Soldiers to Develop the Country’: Political Imagination and the Geography of Gikuyuland’, International Journal of African Historical Studies, 37, 1 (2004), pp.71-101. Richard Waller, “Clean’ and ‘Dirty’: Cattle Disease and Control Policy in Colonial Kenya, 1900-40’, Journal of African History, 45, 1 (2004), pp.45-80.