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Lecture Reading: Lecture 17

David Throup, ‘The Origins of Mau Mau’, African Affairs, 84, 336 (1985), pp.399-433.Further reading: David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire (London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson: 2005).

E.S. Atieno Odhiambo & John Lonsdale, Mau Mau and Nationhood: Arms, Authority and Narration (James Currey, Oxford: 2003). Donald Barnett & Karari Njama, Mau Mau From Within: Autobiography and Analysis of Kenya’s Peasant Revolt (London, Monthly Review Press: 1970). Bruce Berman & John Lonsdale, Unhappy Valley: Conflict in Kenya and Africa (James Currey, Oxford: 1992). Daniel Branch, ‘The Enemy Within: Loyalists and the War Against Mau Mau in Kenya’, Journal of African History, 48, 2 (2007), pp.291-315. Frederick Cooper, ‘Mau Mau and the Discourses of Decolonization’, Journal of African History, 29, 2 (1988), pp.313-20. Tabitha Kanogo, Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau 1905-63 (London, James Currey: 1987). J.M. Kariuki, Mau Mau Detainee: The Account by a Kenya African of his Experiences in Detention Camps, 1953-1960 (Penguin, London: 1964). Joanna Lewis, ‘Nasty, British and in Shorts? British Colonial Rule, Violence and the Historians of Mau Mau’, The Round Table, 96, 2 (2007), pp.201-23. Bethwell Ogot, ‘Britain’s Gulag’, Journal of African History, 46 (2005), pp.493-505. Derek Peterson, ‘The Intellectual Lives of Mau Mau Detainees’, Journal of African History, 49, 1 (2008), pp.73-91.