1870-71: Conflict, Commune and Crisis
Seminar Questions
What was the impact of the Franco-Prussian war on French society, immediately and in the long term?
Explain the origins of the Paris Commune, weighing the various short and long term factors.
Why did the actions of women during the Commune and its defence become so controversial?
What were the legacies of France's "terrible year"?
Core reading:
G Gullickson, Unruly Women of Paris: Images of the Commune (1996), introduction, synopsis, and chps 1-2, 6-7[ebook]
- K Varley, ‘Under the Shadow of Defeat: The State and the Commemoration of the Franco-Prussian War, 1871-1914, French History 16:3 (2002), 323-44 [electronic]
Manifesto of the Paris Commune; read also a further primary source from the list below.
- Background: Popkin, History of Modern France, chps. 17-18.
Further reading:
Primary sources
For a fictional account of the Franco-Prussian War, try Emile Zola’s The Debacle (English and French copies available in the library)
K Marx, The Civil War in France (1933) [on the Commune]
Database of images and other primary sources relating to the Commune at http://digital.library.northwestern.edu/siege/index.html
Many excellent images of the war and commune are reproduced in A Boime, Art and the French Commune: Imagining Paris after War and Revolution (1995) and H Clayson, Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Siege, 1870-71 (2002)
Ernest Vizetelly, My adventures in the Commune ( London , 1914)
- Paris under siege, 1870-71: From the Goncourt Journal (1969)
- Short primary documents (addresses, manifestos, etc.), and especially the Manifesto of the Paris Commune.
Selected documents in W Fortescue, The Third Republic in France, 1870-1940: conflicts and continuities (2000)
The Franco-Prussian War
- B Taithe, Citizenship and Wars: France in Turmoil, 1870-71 (2001)
B Taithe Defeated Flesh: Medicine, Welfare and Warfare in the Making of Modern France (1999)
- B Taithe, 'The Red Cross flag in the Franco-Prussian War: Civilians, Humanitarians, and War in the "modern" age,' in R Cooter, S. Sturdy and M. Harrison (eds), Medicine, War and Modernity (1998), 22-47
B Taithe, Citizenship and Wars: France in Turmoil, 1870-71 (2001)
M Howard, The Franco-Prussian War: The German Invasion of France, 1870-71 (1961)
S Lambert, The Franco-Prussian War and the Commune in Caricature 1870-71 (1971)
John Milner, Art, War and Revolution in France, 1870-71 (2000)
H Clayson, Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Siege, 1870-71 (2002)
R Chrastil, ‘The French Red Cross, War Readiness and Civil Society, 1866-1914,’ French Historical Studies 31 (2008), 445-76
Rachel Chrastil, Organizing for War:France 1870-1914 (2010)
Rebecca L. Spang, ‘“And they ate the zoo”: Relating gastronomic exoticism in the siege of Paris,’ Modern Language Notes, 107 (September 1992), 752-73
A Corbin, The Village of Cannibals (1992)
J Bury, Gambetta and National Defence (1936)
The Paris Commune
R Tombs, ‘Paris and the Rural Hordes: An Exploration of Myth and Reality in the French Civil War of 1871,’ The Historical Journal 29:4. (1986) 795-808
R Tombs, The War against Paris, 1871 (1981)
R Tombs, The Paris Commune, 1871 (1999)
- R Tombs, 'Crime and Security of the state,' in V. Gatrell et al (eds), Crime and the Law (1980), 214-37
A Horne, The Terrible Year: The Paris Commune, 1871 (1971)
A Boime, Art and the French Commune: Imagining Paris after War and Revolution (1995)
A Boime, Art in an age of civil struggle, 1848-1871 (2008)
R Gould, Insurgent Identities: Class, Community and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune (1995), esp chapter 6
K Jones and F Vergès ‘“Aux citoyennes: Women, Politics, and the Paris Commune of 1871’ History of European Ideas 13:6 (1991), 711-32
- P Nord, ‘The Party of Conciliation and the Paris Commune,’ French Historical Studies 15:1 (1987) 1-35
E Schulkind, The Paris Commune of 1871: The View from the Left (1972)
E Schulkind, ‘Socialist Women during the 1871 Paris Commune’ Past and Present 106 (1985) 124-163.
E Schulkind, ‘The Activity of Popular Organizations during the Paris Commune of 1871’, French Historical Studies1:4 (1960) 394-415
R. D. Price ‘Ideology and Motivation in the Paris Commune of 1871’, The Historical Journal 15:1 (1972) 75-86.
G. Wright, ‘The Anti-Commune: Paris, 1871’ French Historical Studies 10:1 (1977) 149-172.
M P Johnston, ‘Enlightening the “Misguided brothers of the countryside”: Republican Fraternalism in the Paris Commune of 1871,’ French History 11:4 (1997)
M P Johnson, ‘Citizenship and gender: The Légion des Fédérées in the Paris Commune of 1871,’ French History 8:3 (1994)
C Eichner, Surmounting the Barricades: Women in the Paris Commune (2004)
- C Eichner, 'Vive la commune': Feminism, Socialism and Revolutionary Revival in the Aftermath of the 1871 Paris Commune,' Journal of Women's History 19:3 (2003)
M Johnson, The Paradise of Association: Political Culture and Popular Organization in the Paris Commune of 1871 (1996)
D Shafer, The Paris Commune: French Politics, Culture, and Society at the Crossroads of the Revolutionary Tradition and Revolutionary Socialism (2005)
E Kamenka, (ed), Paradigm for revolution? The Paris Commune 1871-1971 (1972)
S. Edwards, The Paris Commune, 1871 (1971)
Legacies of the war and commune
M Perrot, Workers on Strike: France, 1871-1890
J Merriman, The Dynamite Club
B Taithe Defeated Flesh: Medicine, Welfare and Warfare in the Making of Modern France (1999)
K W. Swart, The Sense of Decadence in Nineteenth-Century France (1964)
W Schneider Quantity or Quality (1990)
R Nye Crime, Madness and Politics in Modern France: the Medical Concept of National Decline (1984)
R Pick Faces of Degeneration (1989)
Paul Miller, From Revolutionaries to Citizens: Anti-Militarism in France, 1870-1914 (2002)
K Varley, Under the Shadow of Defeat (2008)
D G. Troyansky, ‘Memorializing Saint-Quentin: Monuments, Inaugurations and History in the Third Republic ,’ French History, 13:1 (1999), 48-76
N McWilliam, ‘Race, remembrance and revanche: Commemorating the Franco-Prussian War in the Third Republic' Art History, 19 (1996), 473-98
R Chrastil, Organizing for War:France 1870-1914 (2010)
R Gildea, ‘Eternal France: Crisis and national self-perception in France 1870-2005,’ in S Carvalho and F Gemenne (eds), Nations and their Histories: Constructions and Representations (2009)
A Mitchell, Victors and Vanquished: The German Influence on Army and Church in France after 1870 (1984)
K Offen, ‘Depopulation, nationalism and feminism in fin-de-siècle France,’ American Historical Review, 89:3 (1984), 648-676