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Environmental Modernization and Nature Protection


Core reading:

James R. Lehning, The Melodramatic Thread: Spectacle and Political Culture in Modern France [Chapter 3: 'Boulevard Spectacles of the Third Republic']

Philip Nord, The Republican Moment [Chapter 9: ‘Political Culture’]


Constitutional laws of 1875


Further reading:

James R. Lehning, To Be a Citizen: The Political Culture of the Early French Third Republic

Sanford Elwitt, The Making of the Third Republic: Class and Politics in France, 1868-84

Judith F. Stone, Sons of the Revolution: Radical Democrats in France, 1862-1914

Katherine Auspitz, The Radical Bourgeoisie: The Ligue De L'Enseignement and the Origins of the Third Republic 1866-1885

Winock, Michel. La fièvre hexagonale

Nicolet, Claude. L’idée républicaine en France (1789-1924)