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Migrant Communities

Key Texts

  • Ian Whyte, 'Migration and settlement' and Chris Williams, 'British identities' in Chris Williams (ed.), Companion to Nineteenth-century Britain
  • David Feldman, 'Migration' in Martin Daunton (ed.), Cambridge Urban History of Britain, vol 3
  • Charles Booth archive:
  • Census data (see Term 1, seminar 2)
  • Modern Records Centre collection on Immigration and the Jewish Community
  • Special Issue, Immigrants and Minorities, 2007:
      • Roger Swift and Sheridan Gilley, 'Irish identities in Victorian Britain'
      • Roger Swift, 'Identifying the Irish in Victorian Britain: recent trends in historiography'
      • Malcolm Smith and Donald MacRaild, 'The origins of the Irish in Nothern England'
      • Mervyn Busteed, 'Resistance and respectability: dilemmas of Irish migrant politics'
      • Sheridan Gilley, 'English Catholic attitudes to Irish Catholics'
      • Bronwen Walter, 'Stangers on the inside: Irish women servants in England'
      • Alan O'Day, 'A conundrum of Irish Diasporic identity'
  • Laura Vaughan and Alan Penn, 'Jewish Immigrant Settlement Patterns in Manchester and Leeds 1881'. Urban Studies, 43 (2006)

Seminar Questions

  • Assess the views of immigrant communities contained within Booth's survey of London
  • Using the census, explore the characteristics of a particular immigrant community? Were particular communities treated differently?
  • Examine the various motivations for emigration and the relative importance of ‘push-pull’ factors
  • What was the social and economic background of emigrants?
  • How integrated were immigrant communities in the Victorian city?

Further Reading

Special Issue, Immigrants and Minorities, vol 18, 1999: The Great Famine and Beyond: Irish Migrants in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (especially articles by Swift, Busteed, and Kanya-Forstner. Also published as a book edited by Donald MacRaild

Carl Chinn, '"We all come from round Sora" : Italians in Birmingham, c.1821-1919', in Owen Ashton, Robert Fyson and Stephen Roberts (eds), The Duty of discontent

Joseph Buckman, Immigrants and the class struggle: the Jewish immigrant community in Leeds, 1880-1914

Graham Davis, The Irish in Britain, 1815-1915

Todd Endelman, The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000

David Englander (ed.), A documentary history of Jewish immigrants in Britain, 1840-1920

David Fitzpatrick, 'A peculiar tramping people: the Irish in Britain, 1801-70' in W E Vaughan (ed.), A new history of Ireland, vol. 5

Paul DiFelice, ‘Italians in Manchester, 1891-1939’, Local Historian, 2000

Diane Frost, ‘Ethnic identity, transience and settlement: the Kru in Liverpool’, Immigrants and Minorities, 1993

Peter Fryer, Staying power: The history of Black people in Britain since 1504

Lloyd Gartner, The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870-1914

Andrew Godley, 'Enterprise and culture : Jewish immigrants in London and New York, 1880-1914.' Journal of Economic History, 54 (1994)

Cora Kaplan, 'White, black and green : racialising Irishness in Victorian England', in Peter Gray, Peter (ed.), Victoria's Ireland?

Lynn Hollen Lees, Exiles of Erin: Irish Immigrants in Victorian London

Colin Holmes: John Bull's Island: Immigration and British Society, 1871-1971

Panikos Panayi, Immigration, Ethnicity and Racism in Britain (see also the documents at the end of the book)

D M McRaild, Írish culture in an English context’, Labour History Review, 1993

M A G O'Tuatiagh, 'The Irish in 19th century Britain: problems of integration', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, vol 31

Bernard Porter, The refugee question in mid-Victorian politics

Lucio Sponza and Arturo Tosi (eds), A century of Italian emigration to Britain, 1880-1980s

Lucio Sponza, Italian immigrants in 19th century Britain: realities and images

R Swift & S Gilley (eds), The Irish in the Victorian City

R Swift, 'The outcast Irish in the British Victorian city: problems and perspectives', Irish Historical Studies (1987)

Susan Tananbaum, ‘Philanthropy and identity: gender and ethnicity in London’, Journal of Social History, 1997

Rozina Visram, Ayahs, Lascars and Princes: the story of Indians in Britain, 1700-1947

James Walvin, Black and white : the negro and English society, 1555-1945 

James Walvin, The black presence : a documentary history of the negro in England, 1555-1860

Irish migrants to Liverpool