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introduction: an introduction to the geopolitical, spiritual, and physical landscapes of the iberian peninsula

‘King Ferdinand, Marriage Concessions (1469)’, in Jon Cowans, Early Modern Spain, A Documentary History (Philadelphia, 2003), pp. 7-9. (course extract)

Come with a map representing the Iberian Peninsula in the medieval or early modern period.

Suggested preparatory readings
Elliott, J. H., ‘A Europe of Composite Monarchies’, Past & Present 137 (1992), 48-71.
Hillgarth, J., The Spanish Kingdoms vol 1, Chapter IV, ‘The Vicisitudes of Castilian Hegemony: Castile, Portugal, and Granada (1369-1410) (e book available).
Kamen, Henry, Empire, how Spain became a world power 1492-1763 (London, 2002), Chapter 1, Foundations, pp. 3–48 (course extract)
Nirenberg, David, Neighbouring faiths: Christianity, Islam and Judaism in the Middle Ages and today, (Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2014), Introduction, pp. 1-15, e book available.

Further Readings
Hillgarth, J., The Spanish kingdoms, vol 2, Castilian hegemony, 1410-1516 (Oxford, 1978).
Lowney, Chris, A Vanished World: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain (Oxford, 2006).
Mackay, Angus, Spain in the Middle Ages, From Frontier to Empire, 1000-1500 (London, 1977).

Key Questions
• What and where were the Iberian world and how do these boundaries change?
• What territories / polities does the term ‘medieval Spain’ refer to?
• What territories / polities does the term ‘early modern Spain’ refer to?
• What different groups of people inhabited the Iberian Peninsula?
• Is Spain unique? If so, why?
• Introduction to sources and archives and Spanish historiography