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Shifting social landscapes: the changing face of welfare and poor relief

Primary readings
Forma subventionis pauperum, Spicker, Paul ed., The Origins of Modern Welfare, Juan Luis Vives, De Subventione Pauperum and City of Ypres, Forma Subventionis Pauperum (Bern, 2010), pp. 101-103.
Salter, R. R. ed., Some Early Tracts on Poor Relief (1964).

Core readings
Martz, L., Poverty and Welfare in Habsburg Spain: The Example of Toledo (Cambridge, New York, 1983), chapter 1, pp. 7-44.

Further reading
Ole Peter Grell, Andrew Cunningham and Jon Arrizabalaga eds, Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter Reformation Europe (London, 1999).
Brian Pullan, ‘Catholics and the Poor in Early Modern Europe’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 36 (1976), 15-34, p. 24-25.
Max Safley, Thomas, ed., The Reformation of Charity, The Secular and the Religious in Early Modern Poor Relief (Boston, 2003).

Key Questions
• In what ways did attitudes towards poverty and charity change in Early Modern Spain?
• What were the poverty debates of the sixteenth century?
• What caused changing attitudes towards poverty and charity? Was it a rise in poverty or a change in religious / social ideas?
• How important were practices of charity in the Iberian Peninsula? How did they change? How significant were regional variations? Why were the Semana Santa processions so popular?

Historiographical theme: social history