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Reactions to the French Revolution I

This seminar will consider radical responses to the French Revolution. In addition to the texts below you should search Eighteenth-century Collections Online for relevant material on the radical response to the French Revolution. For images see the British Museums Collection of Prints and Drawings.

Key Texts

  • Gregory Claeys, Political writings of the 1790s : French Revolution debate in Britain and The French Revolution Debate in Britain
  • Robert M. Maniquis, 'British radical culture of the 1790s', Huntington Library Quarterly, 63 (2000) [Special issue]
  • Gary Kelly, Women, writing, and revolution 1790-1827
  • Robert Poole, 'French Revolution or Peasants' Revolt? : petitioners and rebels in England from the Blanketeers to the Chartists', Labour History Review, 74 (2009)



  • How did Paine and Wollstonecraft differ in their interpretation of rights and citizenship?
  • Is there anything 'new' about radicalism during the French Revolution?
  • How popular was radicalism during the French revolution?
  • Who were the key activists and what were their strategies?
