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Poltical Solutions for Ireland, 1920-1922

We will look at Ireland in the period between 1920-1922 and the establishment of the Free State and Northern Ireland. In this last session I also want to have a general exploration of the meaning of colonialism in Irish History (a large topic!) and how we understand Ireland and colonialism.


J.Cleary, ‘Irish Studies, colonial questions: locating Ireland in the colonial world’ in idem., Outrageous Fortune: Capital and Culture in Modern Ireland (Dublin, 2007), chapter 2.

Christine Kineally, ‘At home with the empire: the example of Ireland’ in Catherine Hall and Sonya O. Rose (eds.), At Home with the Empire (Cambridge, 2006),pp. 77-100.

Sean Ryder, ‘Defining colony and empire in early nineteenth-century Irish Nationalism’ in Terrence McDonough (ed.), Was Ireland a Colony?: Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland (Dublin, 2005), pp.165-85.

Alvin Jackson, ‘Ireland, the Union and empire, 1800- 1960’ in Kevin Kenny (ed.) Ireland and the British Empire (Oxford, 2004), pp.123-53.

Reading for Ireland 1920-1922 is as follows:

R.F.Foster, Modern Ireland 1600-1972 (London, 1998), chapter 20.

Pauric Travers, Settlements and Divisions: Ireland, 1870-1922 (Dublin, 1988), chapter 8.

Thomas Hennessey, A History of Northern Ireland, 1920-1996 (Dublin, 1997), chapter 1.