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Cosmopolitanism (Maxine Berg, Sarah Easterby-Smith)


Sociological approaches:

Michèle Lamont and Sada Aksartova, ‘Ordinary Cosmopolitanisms. Strategies for Bridging Racial Boundaries among Working-Class Men’, Theory, Culture and Society 19(4) (2002): 577-589.

Sheldon Pollock, Homi K Bhabha, Carol A. Breckenbridge and Dipesh Chakrabarty, ‘Cosmopolitanisms’, Public Culture, 12(3) (2000), pp. 577-589.

Walter Mignolo, ‘The Many Faces of Cosmo-polis: Border Thinking and Critical Cosmopolitanism’, Public Culture 12(3) (2002): 721-748.

Historians’ approaches to cosmopolitanism(s): 17th-19th centuries:

Charles Withers, Placing the Enlightenment. Thinking Geographically about the Age of Reason (Chicago and London, 2007). Chapter 3 ‘Above and Beyond the Nation. Cosmopolitan Networks’.

Vlasta Vranjes, ‘English Cosmopolitanism and / as Nationalism: The Great Exhibition, the Mid-Victorian Divorce Law Reform, and Brontë's Villette’, Journal of British Studies 47 (2008): 324-347.

Robert Mayhew, ‘British Geography’s Republic of Letters: Mapping an Imagined Community, 1600- 1800’, Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2004): 251-276.

Pauline Kleingeld, ‘Six Varieties of Cosmopolitanism in Late Eighteenth-century Germany’, Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1999): 505-524.

John Robertson, ‘The Enlightenment above National Context: Political Economy in Eighteenth-century Scotland and Naples’, The Historical Journal 40 (1997): 667-697.