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Culture I (Mark Knights and Rosa Salzberg)


Tutors: Mark Knights and Rosa Salzberg

Essential reading:

a) Secondary sources: THESE ARE AVAILABLE FROM PAULINA HOYOS in the History GRAD office (H3.40)

Brian Richardson, Manuscript Culture in Renaissance Italy (Cambridge, 2009), Chapter 6: Orality, Manuscript and the Circulation of Verse

Adam Fox, Oral and Literate Culture in England, 1500 - 1700 (Oxford, 2000) introduction

b) primary sources:

i) Dawks's News Letter (reproduced with the secondary material available from Paulina though also on the Burney database of newspapers and periodicals:

ii) The ballad Anything for a Quiet Life . A sung version of the ballad is available either by clicking on the links from that title or there is a different version here. You might also be interested in other ballads at the English Broadside Ballad archive:

iii) An image of Dr Panurgus - since the image has lots of detail a large version of it is available here. For a discussion of it see here. There are many other images on the British Printed Images to 1700 project: or the British Museum website:

iv) an image Dr Sacheverell pasted into a record of his trial which is of course a printed record of spoken proceedings - the trial is on ECCO if you want to follow it up.

Seminar presentations/activity:

a) a presentation offering an overview presentation of the theme of orality, print and manuscript or any one strand of that if you prefer to focus on one of the themes (Tim Somers)

b) each of you prepare something to say about the primary documents listed above and/or bring your own primary sources along to share with the group – if you would like others to see what you have found email it one of us [m dot j dot knights at warwick dot ac dot uk or r dot salzberg at warwick dot ac dot uk] and we can put it on this page

Seminar and Essay Questions:

In what different ways were these forms of communication used?

How did they interact?

How did European communication culture change over the period?


Margaret Meserve, “News from Negroponte: Politics, Popular Opinion, and Information

Exchange in the First Decade of the Italian Press.” Renaissance Quarterly 59, no. 2

(2006): 440-80.

Elizabeth Horodowich, Language and Statecraft in Early Modern Venice. Cambridge,


Christopher Marsh, “The Sound of Print in Early Modern England: The Broadside Ballad

as Song.” In The Uses of Script and Print, 1300-1700, edited by Julia Crick and

Alexandra Walsham, 171-90. Cambridge, 2004.

Adam Fox, Oral and Literate Culture in England, 1500 - 1700. Oxford, 2000.

Filippo De Vivo, Information and Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern

Politics. Oxford, 2007.

Brian Richardson, Manuscript Culture in Renaissance Italy. Cambridge, 2009.

Brian Richardson, Printing, Writers and Readers in Renaissance Italy. Cambridge, 1999.

Judith Bryce, “The Oral World of the Early Accademia Fiorentina.” Renaissance Studies 9,

no. 1 (1995): 77-103.

Peter Burke, “Oral Culture and Print Culture in Renaissance Italy.” ARV: Scandinavian

Yearbook of Folklore (1998): 7 - 18.

D. F. McKenzie, “Speech – Manuscript – Print” in Making Meaning. Printers of the Mind and Other Essays.

Amherst & Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002, pp. 237-258.

Helen Pierce, Unseemly Pictures: Graphic Satire and Politics in Early Modern England (2010)

Robert Henke, Performance and Literature in the Commedia dell’arte. Cambridge, 2002.

Harold Love, Scribal Publication in Seventeenth Century England (1993)

Adrian Johns, The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (1999)

Mark Knights, „Possessing the Visual: The Materiality of Visual Print Culture in Later

Stuart Britain‟ in James Daybell and Peter Hinds (eds) Material Readings in Early Modern

Culture 1580-1730 (2010)

Mark Knights, „Roger L‟Estrange, petitioning and the dilemma of print‟, in J. Scott and J.

Morrow (eds.), Liberty, Authority and Formality in Early Modern England, Manchester,


Rosa Salzberg, "In the Mouth of Charlatans: Street Performers and the Dissemination of

Pamphlets in Renaissance Italy", Renaissance Studies, 24/5 (2010), pp. 638-653