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Seminar Topic

Autumn Term 1 Introduction
2 Gender
3 The Body
4 Sexuality
5 Modernity
6 Reading Week - no seminar

The Global Interbellum
Presenter: Hope Priddle

8 Cold War Desires
Presenter: Gillian Whitworth
9 Sexual Revolutions
Presenter: Katie Meredith
10 The Age of Gaga
Presenter: James Holder
Spring Term 1 Cultural Embodiments of Colonial Pathology
Presenter: Nick Webb
2 Nationalism, the Body Politic, and Their Record
Presenter: Nicholas Tan
3 Biological and Social Reproduction
Presenter: Amber Storey
4 The Scientific Stance
Presenter: Dilly Stephens
5 Filmic Encounters with the Past
6 Reading Week - no seminar
7 Transgender Trouble
8 Transnational Rhizomes or Asymmetric Worlds
9 Transgressing Borders, Affects, and Objects
10 Transforming the Self
Summer Term 1 Revision Session
2 Mock Exam