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Spanish Imperialism in North Africa, 1912-56 (HI2D6): Assessment and Contact Hours


The assessment for this second-year 30 CATS option module is as follows:

  • Assignment 1: Oral participation/engagement (10%) see oral participation/engagement self-evaluation form for submission in weeks 10 and 20
  • Assignment 2: 1 x 1500 word essay (10%)
  • Assignment 3: 1 x 3000 word essay (40%)
  • Assignment 4: 1 x 2 hour exam (40%)

For full details of examination and assessment, please see

Essay questions for assignments 2 and 3. Please see me first if you would like to change a question or make up your own:

  1. Africanism was full of contradictions. Discuss.
  2. Why did the French and Spanish establish protectorates in Morocco?
  3. What type of colonial rule was established in Morocco and how did non-sovereign actors negotiate it?
  4. What can international treaties tell us about power?
  5. How popular was Spain’s pursuit of empire in Morocco?
  6. How did 'Abd al-Karim legitimize the Rif Republic?
  7. What can a study of North African cities tell us about social relationships?
  8. Why did Jews emigrate from the Maghrib to Israel and what were the effects?
  9. It is not possible to write a history of ‘the Muslim experience’ during the Protectorate period in Morocco. Explain.
  10. Where and why did anti-colonial agitation emerge in Morocco?
  11. What was the relationship of Moroccan anti-colonial agitation to larger international movements?
  12. What role did Moroccan soldiers play in the Spanish Civil War? With what effects?
  13. What can the Haij tell us about the Age of Empire?
  14. Why were international networks important for the Moroccan nationalist movement? What limits were there to international networks?
  15. What opportunities did Franco see in WWII? Was he successful in seizing on them? Why/why not?
  16. What impact did WWII have on Morocco specifically or North Africa more generally?
  17. How and why did the Spanish and the Portuguese seek to feminize their empires?
  18. How were violations of human rights under Hassan II (1961-99)laterdealt with in Morocco? To what effect?
  19. Can contemporary migration in and out of Morocco be considered in isolation from Europe’s other borderlands?
  20. In what ways does memory continue to influence Spanish-Moroccan relations today?