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Aims and Assessment


By the end of the module, students should be able to:

Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 Understand the course of Anglo-Japanese relations from 1850-1940
2 Work critically with a range of primary sources on the topic
3 Assess the sources in relation to the wider historical debates surrounding Anglo-Japanese relations

Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
4 Identify the problems of using historical sources, e.g. utility, limitations, etc,, and compare the validity of different types of sources.
5 Answer an essay question briefly and concisely.
6 Prepare a blog entry on a biographical subject of their own choosing (in the style of the ODNB)
7 Discuss work orally, respond to questions orally, and think quickly of questions to ask other students.

Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge:
9 Conduct independent study and group work
8 Digest, select and organise material to produce, to a deadline, a coherent and cogent argument, developed through the modes of assessment (Assignment 2 and Assignment 3)
9 Work with others in a team and to interact effectively with the tutor and the wider group (Assignment 1).
10 Write to a tight word-length (Assignment 3).



  • Assignment 1: Oral participation (10%)

  • Assignment 2: Blog post (students to write a biographical entry, in the style of the ODNB or equivalent, on a figure in the history of Anglo-Japanese relations. This will be posted to the module page, and will serve as a rolling database accessible to subsequent generations of students (40%)

  • Assignment 3: 3000 word essay (50%)