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Reading and Resources

General reading list

Bessel, Richard, Nicholas Guyatt and Jane Rendall (eds), War, Empire and Slavery, 1770-1830 (Basingstoke, 2010)

Brown, Christopher Leslie and Philip D. Morgan (eds), Arming Slaves: From Classical Times to the Modern Age (New Haven, 2006)

Buckley, Roger, Slaves in Red Coats: The British West India Regiments, 1795-1815 (London, 1979)

Burnard, Trevor G., and John D. Garrigus, The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica (Philadelphia, PA, 2016)

Candlin, Kit, The Last Caribbean Frontier, 1795-1815 (Basingstoke, 2012)

Childs, Matt, The 1812 Aponte Rebellion in Cuba and the Struggle against Atlantic Slavery (Chapel Hill, NC, 2006)

Cormack, William, Patriots, Royalists, and Terrorists in the West Indies: The French Revolution in Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1789-1802 (Toronto, 2019)

Craton, Michael, Testing the Chains: Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies (Ithaca, NY, 2009)

Dawson, Kevin, Undercurrents of Power: Aquatic Culture in the African Diaspora (Philadelphia, PA, 2018)

Dubois, Laurent and John D. Garrigus, Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, 1789-1804: A Brief History with Documents (Boston, 2017)

Dubois, Laurent, Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution (Cambridge, MA, 2004)

Duffy, Michael, Soldiers, Sugar and Seapower: The British Expeditions to the West Indies and the War against Revolutionary France (Oxford, 1987)

Ferrer, Ada, Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Fick, Carolyn, The Making of Haiti: The Saint- Domingue Revolution from Below (Knoxville, 1990)

Geggus, David and Norman Fiering (eds), The World of the Haitian Revolution (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009)

Geggus, David, Haitian Revolutionary Studies (Bloomington, IN, 2002)

Geggus, David, The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World (Columbia, SC, 2001)

Hazareesingh, Sudhir, Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture (London, 2020)

McNeill, John R., Mosquito Empires: Ecology and War in the Greater Caribbean, 1620-1914 (Cambridge, 2010)

Mikaberidze, Alexander, The Napoleonic Wars: A Global History (Oxford, 2020)

Moya Pons, Frank, History of the Caribbean: Plantations, Trade, and War in the Atlantic World (London, 2007)

Mulich, Jeppe, In a Sea of Empires: Networks and Crossings in the Revolutionary Caribbean (Cambridge, 2020)

Oostindie, Geert, Curacao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800 (Brill, 2011)

Philip Dwyer and Lyndall Ryan, ‘Massacre in the Old and New Worlds, c.1780–1820’, Journal of Genocide Research, 15:2 (2013)

Scott, Julius S., The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution (London, 2018)

Stinchcombe, Arthur L., Sugar Island Slavery in the Age of Enlightenment: The Political Economy of the Caribbean World (Princeton, NJ, 1995)

Online resources

Slavery Images: A Visual Record of the African Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Early African Diaspora,

Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876,

Caribmap - A Cartographic History of Caribbean Islands,

Cuban Heritage Collection (University of Miami),

Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery,

Digital Library of the Caribbean,

The Dutch in the Caribbean World, c.1670-c.1870,

Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Abolition, and Resistance (Yale University),

James Robertson's Maps of Jamaica (1804),

John Carter Brown Online,

The Louverture Project,

Obeah Histories: Researching Prosecution for Religious Practice in the Caribbean,

The Other Revolution: Haiti, 1789-1804,

Slavery and Revolution / Jamaica and Slavery in the Age of Revolution,

Voyages: The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database,