Some Potential Dissertation Fields
- Did crowd activity in London do more to help or undermine Parliament's position between 1640 and 1642?
- Why was lower class activity in London and the provinces a significant factor in politics between 1640 and 1642?
- Account for the spread of sectarian groups in the 1640s, and for the opposition they encountered.
- Why were millenarian ideas so pervasive in the 1640s and early 1650s?
- How far did the sectarians of the 1640s possess common characteristics?
- Is it possible to identify any central core of Ranter ideas and attitudes?
- How do you account for the virulence of anti-clericalism in the 1640s and 1650s?
- 'In the last analysis they were social reformers rather than political revolutionaries'. Is this a fair verdict on the Levellers?
- What do the Putney Debates reveal about the Army radicals and their opponents?
- Are you convinced by the view of the Levellers on franchise reform as expressed by MacPherson in his Political Origins of Possessive Individualism?
- Discuss the composition, aims and behaviour of London crowds in the poltiical crisis of 1640-42.
- How far and why did the balance shift between secular and religious themes in Gerrard Winstanley's writings?
- Analyse the arguments and assumptions of Winstanley's The Law of Freedom.
- How much did the Fifth Monarchists have in common with the other social and religious radicals?
- Why did the Fifth Monarchy movement emerge from the general background of millenarianism in the 1640s and what was its appeal?
- How seriously did the Fifth Monarchists endanger the stability of the Cromwellian regime?
- Why were Quakers more successful than other groups in attracting and retaining converts in the 1650s?
- Were contemporaries right to see the Quakers as secular as much as religious radicals?
- 'Perpetually in the grip of situations which he could never dominate or control.' Is this a fair judgement of Cromwell?
- Did Cromwell have any positive ideas and objectives in the 1650s?
- How far can Cromwell’s objectives after 1649 be described as ‘healing and settling’ the nation?
- How far and why was radicalism among women in this period confined to the religious sphere?
- How far did radicals challenge conventional views of the Irish in this period?
- Why did the English Republic of 1649-60 fail to take root?
NOTE: These are only a few of the possible topics. It is best to develop a question of your own, and a wide range of source material is available through EEBO.