Radicalism in the English Revolution 1640-1660 (HI312) - Short Essay Titles
- Examine the view that between 1640 and 1642 the Parliamentary leaders 'manipulated' the London crowds for their own ends.
- Did the parliamentary leaders or the king benefit more from crowd disturbances in London [and/or the provinces] in the years 1640-42?
- How far is the value of the Venetian Ambassador's reports undermined by his foreign and Catholic perspective?
- 'Personality proved a more divisive issue than constitutional principles in shaping the course of events in 1640-42.' Do you agree?
- Why did political and religious compromise prove impossible in the period 1640-42?
- Why did Parliament emerge victorious in the civil war, and why did it take so long?
- To what extent did the war force radical innovation upon Parliament and its supporters, 1642-1646?
- Was the civil war a disaster for the common people?
- How did the common people react to the war and the changes it brought, 1642-1646?
- Compare 'neutralism' at the start of the civil war with the 'neutralism' of the Clubmen.
- How far was allegiance in the civil war determined by external pressures rather than individual choice?
- What does the Gangraena controversy reveal concerning attitudes to toleration in the 1640s?
- What does the Fiery Flying Rolle show about the nature of Coppe's religious and social beliefs?
- Discuss the view of J C Davis that the 'Ranters' were inventions of 17th century conservatives and 20th century Marxists.
- Why was the religious radicalism of the 1640s so fluid and divided?
- How far and why did the Army become radicalised in 1647?
- What is the significance of the Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens?
- How did the Levellers think the 'sovereignty of the people' could be made meaningful in practice as well as theory?
- Was the Leveller movement bound to fail?
- Why did Winstanley believe the Digger movement could and would triumph, and by peaceful means?
- What was the nature of Winstanley's millenarian beliefs?
- 'The product of both euphoria and disillusion.' Discuss this comment on the emergence of EITHER the Digger OR the Fifth Monarchist movement.
- Was the Rump a republic without republicans?
- Why did the Barebones experiment disappoint all who took part in it?
- Why did the Rump consider itself a success when most contemporaries branded it a failure?
- Should the Fifth Monarchists be seen as a religious denomination or as a political movement?
- What considerations lay behind the calling of the Barebones Parliament and its collapse?
- What issues were involved in Parliament's trial of James Naylor?
- Why were the early Quakers regarded as a social and political threat?
- Why did the Quakers spread further and faster than any other radical movement in this period?
- 'An exercise in cynical brutality.' Is this a fair judgement on Cromwell in Ireland?
- What were the guiding principles in Cromwell's religious thinking OR his political behaviour?