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'World of the Tavern' Resources

Compiled by Beat Kümin; cf. the university's aggregate reading list for this module (which allows direct access to the UL catalogue and the taking of notes) as well as the dedicated page on Library Resources for HistoryLink opens in a new window.

I. Printed primary sources

II. Secondary literature in English

III. Literature in French, German and Italian
(suitable e.g. for use in long essays)

[See also digital e-resourcesLink opens in a new window]

 Alewife misericord from Ludlow (Shropshire)

This 15th misericord from the parish church of St Laurence at Ludlow (in Shropshire/England) shows demons throwing a dishonest alewife into hell [Photo: BK]


* = useful introductions; + = available from module tutor


I. Sources


a) general

Dedicated collection of (translated) primary sources supporting the whole module:

Thomas Brennan (general editor), Public Drinking in the Early Modern World 1500-1800: Voices from the Tavern (4 vols, London: Pickering & Chatto, 2011) [Warwick UL copies]

Volume 1: France, ed. T. Brennan
Volumes 2-3: The Holy Roman Empire , eds B. Kümin and B. Ann Tlusty
Volume 4: America, eds D. Hancock and M. McDonald

Johnson, W. B., ‘Some sources of inn history’, in: Amateur Historian 6 (1/1963), 18-21 [Arts Periodicals]

NB also: possibility to search primary sources of many English archives (by date and/or keywords) online at:; early modern printed books published in England (Early English Books OnlineLink opens in a new window) and - selectively - in Europe (Early European Books OnlineLink opens in a new window: full text of early modern holdings of the Royal Library, Copenhagen and other Continental repositories)

b) legal

Acts of the Privy Council of England 1542-1631 (numerous vols)

Essex Archives Online - SEAXLink opens in a new window: includes Quarter Session Rolls 1625-50 and many other documents

Hitchcock Tim; Shoemaker, Robert (Directors), 'The Proceedings of the Old Bailey London 1674 to 1834' [online searchable database of cases]

Lock, R. (ed.), The Court Rolls of Walsham le Willows, 1303-1350 [and] 1351-99, Suffolk Records Society vols 41 and 45 (2 vols, Woodbridge, 1998/2002) [full, translated edition of a set of manor court recors; incl. fines for breaking assize of ale etc.]

Victuallers' Licences: Records for Family and Local Historians, ed. J. Gibson and J. Hunter (2nd edn, Birmingham: Federation of Family History Societies, 1997) [ref KN 186.4.G4]

Warwick County Records [DA 670.81.W2] (incl. quarter sessions, hearth tax etc)


c) ecclesiastical

Drake, Jack Howard (ed.), Oxford Church Courts: Depositions 1592-96, vol. 5 (Oxford, 1998)

The English sermon: an anthology, ed. Martin Seymour-Smith et al. (3 vols, Cheadle, Cheshire: Carcanet Press, 1976) [BV 4241.S3]

Kaisersberg, Johann Geiler von, ‘Gluttony and drunkenness: A sermon on Sebastian Brant's “Ship of Fools” (1498)’, in: Manifestations of Discontent in Germany on the Eve of the Reformation, ed. Gerald Strauss (Bloomington, 1971), 211-215

Luther, Martin, 'Sermon on Soberness and Moderation against Gluttony and Drunkenness, I Pet. 4:7-11, May 18, 1539', in: J. W. Doberstein (ed.), Luther's Works, vol. 51: Sermons I (Philadelphia, 1959), 291-9 [BR ]

Selected Continental Sermons (examples in UL include: Bernard of Clairvaux, Master Eckhart, Martin Luther etc)


d) travel reports, diaries and literary sources


Byng, John, The Torrington Diaries, Containing the Tours Through England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng Between the Years 1781 and 1794, ed. C. Bruyn Andrews (2 vols, London, 1970) [see also online version in 'Travel Writing'Link opens in a new window on 'A Vision of Britain]

Casanova, Giacomo, Histoire de ma vie (Paris, 1986) [D 285.8.C3]

Chandler, John (ed.), John Taylor, Travels and Travelling 1616-53 (Oxford, 2020)

Coxe, William, Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Grisons: in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth (3 vols, London, 1789 ff) [2nd edn 1791 in UL special collection: DQ.22.C6] [online edition at ECCO]

Dangerfield, Thomas, Dangerfield's memoires, digested into adventures, receits, and expences by his own hand (London, 1685) [EEBO]

'The Diary JunctionLink opens in a new window' - website with information on and links to online editions of numerous pre-modern diaries (Montaigne, Pepys, Wallington etc)

Earle,John, The Character of a Tavern, with a brief Draught of a Drawer (London, 1675) [EEBO]

Erasmus, Desiderius, ‘Diversoria’, in his Colloquies, trans. and annotated by Craig R. Thompson, Collected works of Erasmus vol. 40 (Toronto, 1997) [PA 8502.E6]

Evelyn, John, The Character of England (London, 1659) [EEBO]

Fiennes, Celia, The Journeys of Celia Fiennes, ed. Christopher Morris (2nd edn, London: Cresset, 1949) [DA 652.F4]
[See also the electronic edition of her 1702 travel memoirs 'Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and MaryLink opens in a new window'Link opens in a new window, ed. E. W. Griffiths (London, 1888) on the website 'Vision of Britain']

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Italian Journey, ed. Thomas P. Saine and Jeffrey L. Sammons, Goethe's collected works 6 (New York: Suhrkamp, 1989) [PT 2026.A1]

The Grand TourLink opens in a new window, documents and artworks associated with the history of travel c. 1550-1850

Hooke, Robert, The diary of Robert Hooke, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., 1672-1680: transcribed from the original in the possession of the Corporation of the city of London (Guildhall library), ed. Henry W. Robinson and Walter Adams (London, 1935) [Q 143.H6; pp. 263-70 contains a list of London public houses visited by the author; brief excerptsLink opens in a new window]

Kowaleski, M. (ed.), Medieval Towns: A Reader (Toronto, 2006), no. 79: ‘Wives at the Tavern’

Lloyd, David, The Diary of George Lloyd (1642-1718), ed. Daniel Patterson, Camden Fifth Series vol. 64 (Cambridge, 2022)

Montaigne, Michel de, The complete essays, trans. and ed. M. A. Screech, Penguin Classics (London, 1995) [PQ 1642.E5] [ECCO]

Moritz, Carl P., Journeys of a German in England in 1782, trans. and ed. by Reginald Nettel (London, 1965; orig. German edn 1785) [see also online version in 'Travel Writing'Link opens in a new window on 'A Vision of Britain]

Moryson, Fynes, An itinerary .. containing His Ten Yeeres Travell Throvgh The Twelve Domjnions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland .., England etc. (London, 1617) [Modern edition: New York, 1967; D 915.M6] (7D)

Pepys, Samuel, The diary: a new and complete transcription, eds R. Latham and W. Matthews (11 vols, London, 1970-83) [PR 3618.P2]

Prescott, Henry, The Diary of Henry Prescott, Ll.B., Deputy Registrar of Chester Diocese, ed. John Addy [1689-1711] (3 vols, Manchester, 1987-97) [DA 670.43.A1] [countless references to visits of public houses; cf. ‘Index of Inns’ in vol. 3]

Schellinks,William, The Journal of William Schellinks’ Travels in England1661-63, trans. and ed. Maurice Exwood and H. L. Lehmann (London, 1993)

Smollett, Tobias G., The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, ed. David Evans (Oxford, 1973; original edn 1762) [ECCO]

Taylor, John, Works of John Taylor the water-poet comprised in the folio edition of 1630, 4 parts [and] Works of John Taylor the water poet not included in the folio volume of 1630, Collections 1-5 (Facsimile reprints of 1st edns of 1869-76, New York: Burt Franklin, 1967-) [PR 2380.A2] [includes travel reports, tavern directories, writings on drink etc]

'Travel Writing'Link opens in a new window: an electronic collection of reports by travellers through England provided by 'A Vision of Britain', including works by James Boswell, John Byng, Daniel Defoe, Celia Fiennes, Karl Moritz, Samuel Johnson and others

Turner, Thomas, The Diary of Thomas Turner 1754-1765, ed. David Vaisey (Oxford, 1984)

e) material / local


Lane, Joan (comp.), Warwickshire Local History Sources (Leamington Spa: History Sources, 1988) [qto DA 670.81.W2]

Pevsner, Nikolaus; Wedgwood, Alexandra, Warwickshire, The Buildings of England 31 (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966) [NA 969.W3]

Warwick County Records [DA 670.81.W2] (incl. quarter sessions, hearth tax etc.

f) visual


Geisberg, Max (ed.); Strauss, Walter L. (rev.), The German Single-Leaf Woodcut 1500-1550 (3 vols, Munich, 1923-30; reprint New York: Hacker Art Books, 1974) [NE 1150.G3]

Museum / Art Collection Websites [search for ‘tavern’, ‘inn’, specific artists etc], e.g. in: 

Schofield, John (ed.). The London Surveys of Ralph Treswell (London: Topographical Society, 1987) [qto DA 680.L6]


g) musical


Marsh, Christopher, Music and Society in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2010) [contains CD with alehouse ballad interpretations by the Dufay Collective]

+The Orlando Consort, Food, Wine & Song: Music and Feasting in Renaissance Europe (Los Angeles: Harmonia Mundi, 2001) [CD and booklet]

h) technical


II. Secondary literature


Albala, Ken, Food in Early Modern Europe (London, 2003) 

Amelang, James S., ‘Vox populi: popular autobiographies in early modern urban history’, Urban History 20 (1993), 30-42 [Arts Periodicals]

Amussen, S., An Ordered Society: Gender and Class in Early Modern England (New York, 1988)

Andrews, James N., ‘Inns, hotels, taverns and brothels in Pompeii and Heraculaneum’ (Ph.D. Warwick, 2000) [res DIS 2000 199]

Arnade, Peter, Beggars, Iconoclasts & Civic Patriots: The Political Culture of the Dutch Revolt (Ithaca, 2008)

Arnott, Margaret L. (ed.), Gastronomy: the Anthropology of Food and Food Habits (The Hague, 1975) [HD 5200.G2 ]

Austin, Gregory, Alcohol in Western Society from Antiquity to 1800 (Santa Barbara, 1985) [not in UL; but cf. opens in a new window]

Barley, M. W., 'Rural Building in England', in: The Agrarian History of England and Wales, ed. J. Thirsk, vol. V: 1640-1750, pt. 2 (Cambridge, 1985), 590-685 [HP 1111.F4]

Barnes, Thomas G., 'County politics and a puritan cause célèbre: Somerset churchales, 1633'Link opens in a new window, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th Ser. 9 (1959), 103-22 [Arts periodicals]

Barry, Jonathan; Brooks, Christopher (eds), The Middling Sort of People: Culture, Society and Politics in England, 1550-1800 (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994) [HC 7671.1.M4]

Bennett, Judith, Ale, Beer and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing WorldLink opens in a new window (Oxford, 1996) [HM 9111.98.B3]

Bercé, Yves-Marie, Revolt and Revolution in Early Modern Europe: an Essay on the History of Political Violence, trans. Joseph Bergin (Manchester, 1987), esp. 86-90

Beyrer, K., ‘The Mail-Coach Revolution: Landmarks in Travel in Germany Between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries’, in: German History 24 (2006), 375-86

Bird, M., 'Supplying the beer: Life on the road in late eighteenth-century Norfolk', in: Brewery History 164 (Winter 2015), 2-32

Black, Jeremy, The British and the Grand Tour (London, 1985) [D 917.B5]

Black, Maggie, Food and Cooking in Medieval Britain: History and Recipes (English Heritage, 1985)

+ “ , A Taste of History: 10,000 Years of Food in Britain (English Heritage, 1993)

Blickle, Peter, 'Communalism as an organizational principle between medieval and modern times', in his From the Communal Reformation to the Revolution of the Common Man, trans. B. Kümin (Leiden, 1998), 1-15

Blocker, Jack S. Jr, ‘Drinking in the United States: A kaleidoscope in motion 1600-2000’, in: Holt (ed.), Alcohol (2006), 225-40

Bode, Willi Karl Heinrich, European Gastronomy. The Story of Man's Food and Eating Customs (London: Grub Street, 2000) [TX 641.B6]

Borsay, Peter, A History of Leisure: The British Experience since 1500 (Basingstoke, 2006)

Braddick, Michael J., State Formation in Early Modern England c. 1550-1700 (Cambridge, 2000)

Brändle, Fabian, 'Public houses, clientelism and faith: strategies of power in early modern Toggenburg', in: Kümin & Tlusty (eds), The World of the Tavern, 83-94

Brandwood, G.; Davison, A.; Slaughter, M., Licensed to Sell: The History and Heritage of the Public House (Swindon: English Heritage/CAMRA, 2004)

* Brennan, Thomas, Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris(Princeton, 1988) [HF 2322.B7]

" ; 'Taverns and the public sphere in the French revolution', in: Holt (ed.), Alcohol(2006)

Bretherton, R. F., ‘Country inns and alehouses’, in: R. Lennard (ed.) Englishmen at rest and play: some phases of English leisure, 1558-1714 (Oxford, 1931), 145-201 [DA 110.L3]

Brewer, J., ‘Commercialization and politics’, in: The Birth of a Consumer Society, ed. Neil McKendrick (London, 1982), 197-262

Brittnell, R. H., 'Market, shops, inns, taverns and private houses in later medieval English trade', in: P. Blonde et al. (eds), Retail Circuits and Practices in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Turnhout, 2006), esp. 115-118

Brown, James R., 'The Landscape of Drink: Inns, Taverns and Alehouses in Early Modern Southampton' (PhD, University of Warwick, 2008) [Warwick UL: res Diss 2007.113]

" , 'Drinking houses and the politics of surveillance in pre-industrial Southampton', in: B. Kümin (ed.), Political Space in Pre-industrial Europe (Farnham, 2009), 61-80

" , 'Brewers' tales: Making, retailing and regulating beer in Southampton, 1550-1700', in: Brewery History 135 (2010), 10-39

Bruning, Ted, Historic Inns of England (2000)

+ Burke, John, The English Inn (1981)

Burke, Peter, Popular Culture in Early Modern EuropeLink opens in a new window (revised edn, Aldershot, 1994) [D 211.B8]

" ; New Perspectives on Historical Writing (2nd edn, Cambridge, 2001) [D 13.N3]

" ; Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence (2001)

" ; What is Cultural History? (Cambridge, 2004)

Burnard, Trevor, ‘Tropical hospitality, British masculinity, and drink in late eighteenth-century Jamaica’, in: Historical Journal 65 (Special Issue 1/2022), 202-23

Camille, M., ‘Signs of the city: Place, power and public fantasy in medieval Paris’, in: B. Hanawalt and M. Kobialka (eds), Medieval Practices of Space (Minneapolis, 2000), 1-36 [e-book in netlibrary]
, Bernard, The World of John Taylor the Water-Poet, 1578-1653 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1994) [PR 2383.C2]

“ ; 'Gender and the culture of the alehouse in late Stuart England', in: A. Korhonen and K. Lowe (eds), The Trouble with Ribs: Women, Men and Gender in Early Modern Europe (=Collegium Vol. 2, 2007), 103-27 (also e-publication)

" , 'Republican reformation: Family, community and the state in interregnum Middlesex, 1649-60', in: H. Berry and E. Foyster (eds), The Family in Early Modern EnglandLink opens in a new window (Cambridge, 2009), 40-66

Carlin, Martha, 'Fast food and urban living standards in medieval England', in: idem; J. Rosenthal (eds), Food and Eating in Medieval Europe (London: Hambledon Press, 1998), ch. 3 [TX 360.E8]

" , "What say you to a piece of beef and mustard?": The evolution of public dining in medieval and Tudor LondonLink opens in a new window', in: Huntington Library Quarterly 71 (1/2008), 199-217

" , ‘Why Stay at the Tabard? Public Inns and Their Amenities c. 1400’, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 40 (2018), pp. 413-421

Cashmere, J., ‘Oysters and Tavern Sociability: Ritual, Violence and Young Men in Early Modern Rural France’, in: D. E. Kirkby and T.Luckins (eds), Dining on Turtles: Food Feasts and Drinking in History (Basingstoke, 2007), 104-21

Chaney, Edward, The Evolution of the Grand Tour: Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations since the Renaissance (London: Frank Cass, 1998) [D 907.C4]

Chartres, J. A., 'The capital's provincial eyes: London's inns in the early eighteenth century', in: London Journal 3 (1977), 24-39 [Arts periodicals]

" ; 'The eighteenth-century English inn: a short-lived "Golden Age"?', in: Kümin & Tlusty (eds), The World of the Tavern, 205-26

Chick, Joe, Urban Society and Monastic Lordship in Reading, 1350-1600 (Woodbridge, 2022) [but for more detail on public houses see his underlying thesis 'Cloisters and clothiers: the social impact of Reading's transition from monastic lordship to self-governance, 1350-1600' (PhD, University of Warwick, 2021), esp. pp. 266-88]

* Clark, Peter, The English Alehouse. A Social History 1200-1830 (London, New York, 1983) [GT 3843.C5]

" ; ‘The alehouse and alternative society’, in: Puritans and Revolutionaries (Oxford, 1978), 47-72 [DA 375.P3]

" ; ‘The ‘Mother Gin’ Controversy in the Early Eighteenth Century’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th Series 38 (1988)

" ; British Clubs and Societies 1580-1800: the Origins of an Associational World, Oxford Studies in Social History (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000) [HC 6111.C5]

“ ; ‘Politics, the City and the Popular Drinking House in Early Modern Europe’, in S. Ehrenpreis et al. (eds), Wege der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Heinz Schilling zum 65. Geburtstag ( Berlin, 2007), 621-638

+" , 'Drinking houses, the state and the economy, 1400-1830', in: Brecht Dewilde and Johan Poukens (eds.), Entrepreneurs, Institutions & Government Intervention in Europe [13th-20th centuries]: Essays in Honour of Erik Aerts (Brussels 2018), 189-202

Cockx, Lara; Meloni, Giulia; Swinnen, Johan, 'The Water of Life and Death: A Brief Economic History of Spirits', Journal of Wine Economics 16 (4/2021), 355-99

Collins, James, Classes, Estates and Order in Early Modern Brittany (Cambridge, 1994)

Colson, Justin, ‘A Portrait of a Late Medieval London Pub: The Star Inn, Bridge Street,’ in E.A. New and C. Steer (eds), Medieval Londoners: Essays to Mark the Eightieth Birthday of Caroline M. Barron (London: University of London Press, 2019), 38-50

Compton-Davey, John A. R., 'Some evidence of drinking culture in ale ballads', in: Brewery History 133 (2009), 18-47

Copps, Magnus, 'The Crown, Lambeth, 1784-1870: Urban development, social practice, and the material culture of a nineteenth century public house', Brewery History 169 (2016), 2-30

Cowan, Brian, The Social Life of Coffee: The Emergence of the British Coffeehouse (New Haven, 2005)

" , 'Food representations in early modern Europe: Powerful appetites', in: Beat Kümin (ed.), A Cultural History of Foodin the Early Modern Age (Oxford, 2012), 165-83

Davis, James, 'Selling food and drink in the aftermath of the Black Death', in: Mark Bailey and Stephen Rigby (eds), Town and Countryside in the Age of the Black Death (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011)

De Vivo, Filippo, Information & Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern Politics (Oxford, 2007)

+ Delderfield, Eric R., British Inn Signs and Their Stories (3rd edn, 1972)

Dent, Catherine, ‘The functions of inn signs and their place in early modern British history’, in: Reinvention: A Journal of Undergraduate Research 4 (1/2011) [e-publicationLink opens in a new window; accessed 4/5/2011]

Dewald, Jonathan, The European Nobility 1400-1800 (Cambridge, 1996) [HC 7692.D3]

Dillon, Patrick, The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva: The Eighteenth-Century Gin Craze (London, 2002)

Dobek, Peter Paul, ‘KARCZMA/TABERNA: Public Houses in Cracow during the Jagellonian Dynasty’ (PhD Western Michigan, 2019)

Dudash, Susan J., 'Christinian politics, the tavern, and urban revolt in late medieval France', in: K. Green & C. J. Mews (eds), Healing the Body Politic: The Political Thought of Christine de Pizan (Turnhout, 2005), 35-59

Dursteler, Eric C., 'Bad Bread and the "Outrageous Drunkenness of the Turks": Food and Identity in the Accounts of Early Modern European Travelers to the Ottoman Empire', Journal of World History 25 (2014)

Dynner, Glenn, ‘Legal Fictions: The Survival of Rural Jewish Tavernkeeping in the Kingdom of Poland’, in: Jewish Social Studies Link opens in a new window16/2 (2010), 28-66

" , Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland (Oxford, 2014)

Earnshaw, Steven, The Pub in Literature: England's Altered State (Manchester, 2000) [PR 149.D7]

Elias, Norbert, The Civilizing Process: the History of Manners and State Formation and Civilization (Oxford, 1994) [HB 6023.E5]

Ellis, Markman, The Coffee-House: A Cultural History (London, 2005) [TX 910.67]

Elsner, Jás; Rubiés, Joan-Pau (eds), Voyages and Visions: Towards a Cultural History of Travel (London: Reaktion, 1999) [G 156.V6]

Enenkel, Karl; Jong, Jan de (eds), Artes Apodemicae and Early Modern Travel Culture” (Leiden: Brill, 2019)

* Everitt, Alan, 'The English urban inn 1560-1760', in: idem, Perspectives in English Urban History (London 1973), 91-137 [DA 670.A2]

Falvey, Heather, ‘"Scandalus to all us": presenting an anti-alehouse petition from late Elizabethan Rickmansworth (Hertfordshire)’, Rural History 31 (2020), 1-15

+ Fenton, Alexander, 'Receiving travellers: changing Scottish traditions', in: Patricia Lysaght (ed.), Food and the Traveller: Migration, Immigration, Tourism and Ethnic Food. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the International Commission for Ethnological Food Research, Cyprus, June 8-14, 1996 (University College Dublin, 1998), 70-80

Findlay, Alison, 'Theatres of Truth: Drinking and Drama in Early Modern England' in James Nicholls and Susan J. Owen (eds), A Babel of Bottles: Drink, Drinkers and Drinking Places in Literature (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000), 21-40 [PN 56.D74]

Firebaugh, W. C., The Inns of Greece & Rome and a History of Hospitality from the Dawn of Time to the Middle Ages (Chicago, 1928) [not in UL, but cf. opens in a new window]

'The Food Bibliography'Link opens in a new window: a searchable database of food-related publications compiled by Villa I Tatti (Florence) and the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food (Tours)

Foyster, Elizabeth, Manhood in Early Modern England: Honour, Sex and Marriage (London, 1999)

Fox, Adam, Oral and Literate Culture in England 1500-1700(Oxford, 2000)

Frank, Michael, 'Satan's servants or authorities' agents? Publicans in eighteenth-century Germany', in: Kümin & Tlusty (eds), The World of the Tavern, 12-43

Frearson, Michael, 'Communications and the continuity of dissent in the Chiltern hundreds during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries', in: M. Spufford (ed.), The World of Rural Dissenters (Cambridge, 1995), 273-87 [BX 5203.2.W6]

Freist, Dagmar, Governed by Opinion: Politics, Religion and the Dynamics of Communication in Stuart London, 1637-1645 (London, 1997) [DA 681.F7]

Friedman, Ellen G., 'Christian Captives at “Hard Labour” in Algiers, 16th-18th Centuries’, in: The International Journal of African Historical Studies 13 (1980), 616-632

Fumerton, Patricia, 'Not home: Alehouses, ballads, and the vagrant husband in early modern England', The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern StudiesLink opens in a new window 32 (3/2002), 493-518

Funk, Holger, 'A little known, mid-16th century description of the production of English ale by John Caius', Brewery History 165 (2016), 19-29

" (ed.), 'Situating Hajek's treatise on beer in the discourse of the sixteenth century' [includes edition of a 1585 Czech treatise on the preparation of beer], in: Brewery History 173 (2018), 19-46

Galloway, James, 'Driven by drink? Ale consumption and the agrarian economy of the London region c. 1300-1400', in M. Carlin; J. Rosenthal (eds), Food and Eating in Medieval Europe (London: Hambledon Press, 1998), esp. chs 6 [TX 360.E8]

Gammon, Vic, Desire, Drink and Death in English Folk and Vernacular Song, 1600-1900 (London, 2008), esp. ch. 4: ‘Nothing like drinking’ – English vernacular song and strong drink

Garrioch, David, Neighbourhood and Community in Paris 1740-90 (Cambridge, 1986), esp. ch. 5 [HC 4622.G2]

Gibbons, Ed, All Beer & Skittles? A Short History of Inns and Taverns (London: National Trust, 2001) [GT 3834.G4]

Gieryn, T., 'A space for place in sociology', in: Annual Review of Sociology 26 (2000), 463-96

Girouard, M., Victorian Pubs (Yale, 1975; pbk 1984)

Glanville, P. (ed.), The Art of Drinking (London: V&A Publications, 2007)

Grancher, Romain, ‘Fishermen’s taverns: Public houses and maritime labor in an early modern French fishing community’, The International Journal of Maritime History 28-4 (2016), 671-685

Grimmett, Kendra, 'Stumbling along the virtuous path with Rubens's Drunken Hercules' in: De Zeventiende Eeuw (2020), 41-66

Guggenbühl, Christoph, 'Heaven or Hell? The Public House and its Social Perception in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Switzerland', in: P. Scholliers and M. Jacobs (eds), Eating Out in Europe Since the Late Eighteenth Century (Oxford, c. 2003)

Gutzke, D. W., Alcohol in the British Isles: An Annotated Bibliography (1996) [not in UL]

Habermas, Jürgen, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society (Cambridge, 1989; orig. German edn, 1969)

Hadfield, Andrew; Dimmock, Matthew; Shinn, Abigail (eds), The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Culture in Early Modern England (Farnham, 2014)

Hailwood, Mark, 'Alehouses, popular politics and plebeian agency in early modern England', in: F. Williamson (ed.), Locating Agency: Space, Power and Popular Politics (Newcastle, 2010), 51-76

" , 'Sociability, Work and Labouring Identity in Seventeenth-Century EnglandLink opens in a new window’, in: Cultural and Social History 8 (1/2011), 9-29

* " , Alehouses and Good Fellowship in Early Modern England (Woodbridge, 2014)

" ; Toner, Deborah (eds), 'Developments in the Brewing, Retail and Consumption of Alcohol in Early Modern England', [=special issue of] Brewery History 150 (2013) [open accessLink opens in a new window]

" , 'Alehouses and good fellowship in early modern England: an overview', in: Brewery History 170 (Spring 2017), 3-6

Hames, Gina, Alcohol in World History (London, 2012)

Hanawalt, Barbara A., 'The Host, the Law, and the Ambiguous Space of Medieval London Taverns', in her Of Good and Ill Repute. Gender and Social Control in Medieval England (Oxford, 1998), 104-123 [HD 5011.H2]

Hancock, David, Oceans of Wine: Madeira and the Emergence of American Trade and Taste (Yale, 2009)

Hands, Thora, Drinking in Victorian and Edwardian Britain: Beyond the Spectre of the Drunkard (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)

Hare, John, 'Inns, innkeepers and the society of later medieval England, 1350–1600Link opens in a new window', in: Journal of Medieval History (online publication 18 September 2013)

Harrington, Joel F.; Smith, H. W., 'Confessionalization, community and state building in Germany 1555-1870'Link opens in a new window, Journal of Modern History 69 (1997), 77-101 [Arts Periodicals]

Härter, K., 'Social control and enforcement of police ordinances in early modern criminal procedure', in: H. Schilling (ed.), Institutionen, Instrumente und Akteure sozialer Kontrolle und Disziplinierung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa (Frankfurt, 1999), 39-63

Haydon, Peter, The English Pub: A History (London, 1994)

" , An Inebriated History of Britain (Stroud, 2005)

Headley, J. M. et al. (eds), Confessionalization in Europe (2004), esp. essays by Brady and Schilling

Heal, Felicity, Hospitality in Early Modern England (Oxford: Clarendon, 1990) [DA 320.H3]

Heiss, Hans, 'The Pre-modern hospitality trade in the Central Alpine region: the example of Tyrol', in: Kümin & Tlusty (eds), World of the Tavern, 159-76

Hell, Maarten, 'Trade, transport, and storage in Amsterdam inns (1450–1800)', in: Journal of Urban History 40 (4/2014), 742-61

" , 'De Amsterdamse herberg (1450-1800): Geestrijk centrum van het openbare leven' (PhD University of Amsterdam, 2017) [with English summary 'The Amsterdam Inn (1450-1800): Centre of public life in the City', 396-401]

" , 'The rise and fall of the Bierbeschooier: supplying and controlling Amsterdam drinking houses (1580-1795)', in: Brewery History 180 (2019), 51-67

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Lecoutre, Matthieu, Ivresse et Ivrognerie dans la France Moderne (Rennes: Presses Universitaires, 2011) [review in French History]

+Maistre, Gilbert, ‘La lutte du clergé contre les cabarets du XVIIe au XIX siècle’ [The clergy’s struggle against taverns in the 17-19thC], in: Vie religieuse en Savoie. Mentalités - Associations (Mémoires et documents publiés par l'Académie Salésienne 95)

Mandrella, David, ‘Les représentations de l'ivresse dans la peinture hollandaise du XVIIe siècle’, in: Food & History 9 (2011), 25-38

Muchembled, R., La violence au village: Sociabilité et comportements populaires en Artois du XVe au XVIIe siècle [Violence in the Village: Sociability and Popular Behaviour in the Artois Region] (Brepols, 1989) [DC 611.A8]

+Nicolas, Jean, ‘Le tavernier, le juge et le curé’ [The taverner, the judge and the priest], L’Histoire 25 (1980), 20-28

 + “ , La Rébellion française: Mouvements populaires et conscience sociale 1661-1789 [French Rebellions] (Paris, 2002) [extracts on public houses]

+Quellier, Florent, Festins, ripailles et bonne chère du Grand Siècle (2015)

+ Rau, Susanne; Zeller, Olivier, 'Police des voyageurs et hospitalité urbaine à Lyon à la fin du XVIIe siècle', in: A. Burkardt (ed.), Commerce, Voyage et Expérience religieuse XVI-XVIIIe siècles (Rennes, 2007), 113-43


b) German


Behringer, Wolfgang, Im Zeichen des Merkur: Reichspost und Kommunikationsrevolution in der Frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen, 2003)

Kachel, Johanna, Herberge und Gastwirtschaft in Deutschland bis zum 17. Jahrhundert [Inns and the Hospitality Trade up to the Seventeenth Century], Beihefte zur Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 3 (Stuttgart, 1924) [order via UL ‘Document Supply’ service]

+Kümin, Beat, ‘Rathaus, Wirtshaus, Gotteshaus. Von der Zwei- zur Dreidimensionalität in der frühneuzeitlichen Gemeindeforschung’ [Town hall, church and public house: towards a three-dimensional view of early modern communities’], in: F. Šmahel (ed.), Geist, Gesellschaft, Kirche im 13.-16. Jh. (Prague, 1999), 249-62

+ “ , ‘Vormodernes Gastgewerbe und früher Tourismus in den bernischen Alpen [Premodern public houses and early tourism in the Bernese Alps]’, in: Andrea Leonardi and Hans Heiss (eds), Tourismus und Entwicklung im Alpenraum 18.-20. Jh. / Turismo e sviluppo in area alpina, secoli XVIII-XX, Tourism & Museum Vol. I (Innsbruck: StudienVerlag, 2003), 281-300 [with English abstract]

+ “ , ‘Wirtshaus und Gemeinde: Politisches Profil einer kommunalen Grundinstitution im alten Europa’ [Public House and Local Community], in: S. Rau and G. Schwerhoff (eds), Zwischen Gotteshaus und Taverne: Öffentliche Räume in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Norm und Struktur 21 (Cologne, 2004), 75-97

+ “ , ‘Wirtshaus, Verkehr und Kommunikationsrevolution im frühneuzeitlichen Alpenraum [Public House, Road Transport and the "Communication Revolution" in the Early Modern Alps]’, in: Zeitsprünge: Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit 9 (3-4/2005), 376-393

+ “ , ‘Wirtshaus, Reiseverkehr und Raumerfahrung am Ausgang des Mittelalters [Public Houses, Road Traffic and the Experience of Space at the Close of the Middle Ages]’, in: Rainer C. Schwinges (ed.), Strassen- und Verkehrswesen im Mittelalter (Sigmaringen, 2007), 331-52

+ “ , ‘Wirtshausgeschichte. Das Gastgewerbe in der historischen Frühneuzeitforschung [Public House History: The Hospitality Trade in Early Modern Historiography]’, in: P. Friedrich and R. Parr (eds), Gastlichkeit: Erkundungen einer Schwellensituation (Heidelberg: Synchron, 2009), 117-31

+ “ , 'In vino res publica? Politische Soziabilität im Wirtshaus der Frühen Neuzeit [Political Sociability in the Early Modern Public House]‘, in: G. Schwerhoff (ed.), Stadt und Öffentlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, Städteforschung: Reihe A, vol. 83 (Cologne: Böhlau, 2011), 65-79

+ “ , ‘Wirtshäuser als frühneuzeitliche Kommunikationszentren [Public Houses as Early Modern Communication Hubs]’, in: Lukas Morscher, Martin Scheutz and Walter Schuster (eds), Orte der Stadt im Wandel vom Mittelalter zur Gegenwart: Treffpunkte der Stadt, Verkehr und Fürsorge (Innsbruck: StudienVerlag, 2013), 91-105

+ " , 'Wirtshäuser auf dem Prüfstand: Zur sozialen Ambivalenz öffentlicher Trinkkulturen in der Frühen Neuzeit [Testing Taverns: On the Social Ambivalence of Public Drinking in Early Modern Europe]', in: Historische Anthropologie 28 (2/2020), 229-49

+Nipperdey, Justus, and Reinholdt, Katharina (eds), Essen und Trinken in der Europäischen Kulturgeschichte, Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas (Münster: LIT, 2016) [see esp. essay by Tlusty on the German custom of Vertrinken, disciplining opponents by running up a tap at their expense]

Peyer, Hans Conrad (ed.), Gastfreundschaft, Taverne und Gasthaus im Mittelalter [Hospitality, Inns and Taverns in the Middle Ages], Schriften des Historischen Kollegs (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1983) [includes a number of English essays; order via UL ‘Document Supply’ service]

“ , Von der Gastfreundschaft zum Gasthaus: Studien zur Gastlichkeit im Mittelalter [From Hospitality to Public House] (Hannover: Hahn, 1987) [HD 5200.P3]

+Rau, Susanne, ‘Das Wirtshaus: Zur Konstitution eines öffentlichen Raumes in der Frühen Neuzeit’ [The Public House: Constitution of a Public Space], in: Offen und Verborgen: Vorstellungen und Praktiken des Öffentlichen und Privaten in Mitelalter und Früher Neuzeit, eds Caroline Emmelius et al. (Göttingen, 2004), 211-27

+ “ ; Schwerhoff, G., ‘Frühneuzeitliche Gasthaus-Geschichte(n) zwischen stigmatisierenden Fremdzuschreibungen und fragmentierten Geltungserzählungen’ [Early Modern Public House Discourses], in: G. Melville and H. Vorländer (eds), Geltungsgeschichten (Köln: Böhlau, 2002), 181-201

+ “ ; “ (eds), Zwischen Gotteshaus und Taverne: Öffentliche Räume in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit [Public Spaces in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe] (Cologne, 2004) [esp. essays by Kümin, Krug-Richter and Tlusty]

Schmidt, H. R., Dorf und Religion: reformierte Sittenzucht in Berner Landgemeinden der frühen Neuzeit [Village and Religion: Reformed Discipline in Early Modern Bernese Rural Communities] (Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, 1995) [incl. English summary; BR 410.S2; with data CD available from issue desk on Floor 1]

Zedler, Johann H., Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste (64 vols, Halle, 1732-54) [early modern German encyclopaedia with entries for ‘Wirt’, ‘Wirthschafft’ etc.]



c) Italian

Canevascini Venturelli, Simona, 'Il baliaggio di Locarno e le sue osterie. Squarci di vita sociale, culturale e criminale d'epoca moderna (XVIII secolo)', in: Bollettino della Società storica locarnese 14 (2011), 17-33 [preliminary / draft versionLink opens in a new window]

+Carnevale, Diego, 'Dalla locanda all'albergo: Economia e sociologia dell'accoglienza nella Napoli del Settecento', in: Studi storici: rivista trimestrale dell'Istituto Gramsci 57 (4/2016), 901-926

+Cherubini, Giovanni, ‘La taverna nel basso Medioevo’, in: idem, Il lavoro, la taverna, la strada: Scorci di Medioevo (Napoli, 1997), 191-224

Motta, Emilio, ‘Albergatori milanesi nei secoli XIV e XV’, in: Archivio storico lombardo vol. 9 / anno 25 (1898), 366-377 [order via British Library Document Supply Service]

Ortalli, Gherardo, ‘Il guidice e la taverna: Momenti ludici in una piccola communità lagunare’, in Gioco e giustizia nell’ Italia di Commune, ed. idem (Treviso, 1993), 43–70 [order via UL ‘Document Supply’ service]

Romani, Mario, Pellegrini e Viaggiatori nell’economia di Roma dal XIV al XVII Secolo (Milan, 1948) [order via UL ‘Document Supply’ service]

Tuliani, Maurizio, Osti, avventori e malandrini. Alberghi, locande e taverne a Siena e nel suo contado tra Trecento e Quattrocento (Siena, 1994; reprint 2006)