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White Collar Crime

Key Reading

  • Clive Emsley, Crime and Society, 1750-1900, chapter 6

Further Reading

  • Peter King, 'Gleaners, farmers and the failure of legal sanctions in England, 1750-1850', Past and Present, 125 (1989), pp. 116-50
  • John Locker, '"Quiet thieves, quiet punishment": Private responses to the "respectable offender"', Crime, History and Societies, 9 (2005), pp. 9-31
  • R. McGowen, ‘From Pillory to Gallows: The Punishment of Forgery in the Age of the Financial Revolution’, Past and Present, 165 (1999), pp. 107–140.
  • Nicola Phillips, 'A Case Study of the Impact of Crime on the Criminal Justice System', Crime, Histoires et Societe, 2013


  • How widespread was whitecollar crime in Victorian England?
  • What was the response of the courts?
  • Why were many employers reluctant to prosecute fraudulent employees?
  • Do 'imposter' and fraud cases reflect anxieties of the newly industrialised nation?