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Core Reading (see also the bibliography for the courts as centres of cultural patronage )

Chambers, David, (ed. and trans), Patrons and Artists in the Italian Renaissance (London, 1970)

Bourne, Molly, 'Art and Culture in Renaissance Mantua: Introduction', Renaissance Studies 16/3 (2002), 303-305.

Cole, Alison, 'Introduction: The Fifteenth-Century Renaissance Court' and 'The Art of Diplomacy: Mantua and the Gonzaga'in Alison Cole, Italian Renaissance Courts: Art, Pleasure and Power (London, 2016), pp. 11-28, 165-99.

Lazzarini, Isabella, 'Sub Signo Principis. Political institutions and urban configurations in early Renaissance Mantua', Renaissance Studies 16/3 (2002), 318–29.

Maurer, Maria F., 'A love that burns: Eroticism, torment and identity at the Palazzo Te', Renaissance Studies 30/3 (2016), 370–88


Mantegna, Court of the Gonzaga (detail), 1465-74