Core Reading (see also the bibliography for Origins and Myths)
Ammerman, Albert J., 'Venice before the Grand CanalLink opens in a new window', Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 48 (2003), 141-158.
Crouzet-Pavan, E., “Towards an Ecological Understanding of the Myth of Venice', in John Martin and Dennis Romano (eds), Venice Reconsidered: The History and Civilization of an Italian City State, 1297-1797Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (Baltimore, 2000), pp. 39-67.
Nicol, Donald M., Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural RelationsLink opens in a new window (Cambridge,1988)
Various, Torcello: Alle origini di Venezia tra Occidente e Oriente (Venice, 2009)
Le origini di VeneziaLink opens in a new window
Who were the first inhabitants of Venice?Link opens in a new window