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Patronage of the Visual Arts

General Reading

Bohn, Babette, and James M. Saslow (eds), A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art (Oxford, 2013)

Gilbert, C.E., ‘What did the Renaissance patron buy?’Link opens in a new window Renaissance Quarterly 51 (1998), 392-450. JSTOR

Hollingsworth, Mary, Patronage in Renaissance Italy: From 1400 to the Early Sixteenth CenturyLink opens in a new window (London, 1994)

Hollingsworth, Mary, Patronage in Sixteenth-Century ItalyLink opens in a new window (London, 1996)


Calabi, Donatella, ‘Il rinnovamento urbano del primo Cinquecento’, in Storia di Venezia, vol. 5, Il Rinascimento. Società ed economia, ed. Alberto Tenenti and Ugo Tucci (Rome, 1996)

Concina, Ennio, A History of Venetian Architecture, trans. Judith Landry (Cambridge, 1998)

Fortini Brown, Patricia, ‘Behind Closed Doors: The Material Culture of Venetian Elites’, in Venice Reconsidered: The History and Civilization of an Italian City-State, 1297-1797Link opens in a new window, ed. John Martin and Dennis Romano (Baltimore, 2000), pp. 295-338. NetLibrary

Fortini Brown, Patricia, ‘Honor and Necessity: The Dynamics of Patronage in the Confraternities of Renaissance Venice,’ Studi veneziani, n.s. 14 (1987), 179-212

Fortini Brown, Patricia, 'Where the money flows: Art patronage in sixteenth-century Venice', in F. Ilchman (ed.), Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese. Rivals in Renaissance Venice (Farnham, UK, 2009)

Goffen, Rona, Piety and Patronage in Renaissance Venice: Bellini, Titian and the FranciscansLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (New Haven, 1986)

Goy, Richard, The Building of Renaissance Venice: Patrons, Architects and Builders, c. 1430-1500 (New Haven, 2006)

Goy, Richard, Venice: The City and Its Architecture (London, 1999)

Hopkins, Andrew, ‘The Influence of Ducal Ceremony on Church Design in Venice’Link opens in a new window, Architectural History 41 (1998), 30-48. JSTOR

Howard, Deborah, Jacopo Sansovino: Architecture and Patronage in Renaissance Venice, 2nd ed. (New Haven, 1987)

Howard, Deborah, The Architectural History of Venice (New Haven, 2004)

Humfrey, Peter, and Richard Mackenney, ‘The Venetian Trade Guilds as Patrons of Art in the Renaissance’Link opens in a new window, The Burlington Magazine 126 (1986), pp. 317-30. JSTOR

Humfrey, Peter, The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice (New Haven, 1993)

Humfrey, Peter, Painting in Renaissance Venice (New Haven, 1995)

Hurlburt, Holly S., 'Body of Empire: Caterina Corner in Venetian History and IconographyLink opens in a new window', Early Modern Women 4 (2009), 61-99

Hurlburt, Holly S., The Dogaressa of Venice, 1200-1500: Wife and Icon (Basingstoke, 2006)

Huse, Norbert, and Wolfgang Wolters, The Art of Renaissance Venice: Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, 1460-1590, trans. Edmund Jephcott (Chicago, 1993)

Martin, Thomas, ‘Grimani Patronage in S. Giuseppe di Castello: Veronese, Vittoria and Smeraldi’Link opens in a new window, The Burlington Magazine 133 (1991), 825-33

Morse, Margaret A., The Arts of Domestic Devotion in Renaissance Italy: The Case of VeniceLink opens in a new window, PhD diss. (University of Maryland, College Park, 2006)

Morse, Margaret A., ‘Creating sacred space: the religious visual culture of the Renaissance Venetian casaLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, Renaissance Studies 21.2 (2007), 151–84.

Nichols, Tom, Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism (London, 2016)

Nichols, Tom, Giorgione's AmbiguityLink opens in a new window (London, 2020)

Nichols, Tom, Tintoretto: Tradition and IdentityLink opens in a new window, 2nd ed. (London, 2015)

Nichols, Tom, Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance (London, 2013)

Pincus, Debra, ‘Venice and the Two Romes’Link opens in a new window, Artibus et Historiae 26 (1992), 101-114. JSTOR

Romano, Dennis, ‘Aspects of Patronage in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Venice’Link opens in a new window, Renaissance Quarterly 46 (1993), 712-33. JSTOR

Romano, Dennis, The Likeness of Venice: A Life of Doge Francesco Foscari (New Haven, 2007)

Rosand, David, Myths of Venice. The Figuration of a State (Chapel Hill, NC, 2001).

Steinberg, Arthur, and Jonathan Wylie, ‘Counterfeiting Nature: Artistic Innovation and Cultural Crisis in Renaissance Venice’Link opens in a new window, Comparative Studies in Society and History 32 (1990), 54-88. JSTOR

Tafuri, Manfredo, ‘Il pubblico e il privato. Architettura e committenza a Venezia’, in Storia di Venezia, vol. 6, Dal Rinascimento al Barocco, ed. Gaetano Cozzi and Paolo Prodi (Rome, 1994)

Tafuri, Manfredo, Venice and the Renaissance, trans. Jessica Levine (Cambridge, Mass., 1995)

Zucconi, Guido, Venice: An Architectural Guide (Venice, 1995).