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Contemporary Representations of Venice

Primary Sources
Textual Sources

Bembo, Pietro, History of Venice, ed. and trans. Robert W. Ulery Jr., 3 vols. (Cambridge, MA, 2007-09)

Coryat, Thomas, 'Observations of Venice' in Thomas Coryat, Coryat's Crudities, 2 vols (Glasgow, 1905), I, pp. 301-427.

Sansovino, Francesco, Sansovino's Venice: A Translation of Francesco Tatti da Sansovino's Guidebook to Venice of 1561Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans. Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks (New Haven, 2017)

Sanudo, Marin, Venice, cità excelentissima: selections from the Renaissance diaries of Marin Sanudo, ed. and trans. Patricia H. Labalme and Laura Sanguineti White (Baltimore, 2008)

Wotton, Sir Henry, The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton, ed. Logan Pearsall Smith, 2 vols (Oxford, 1907), vol. 1Link opens in a new window and vol. 2Link opens in a new window

Visual Sources

Amman, Jost, Procession of the Doge to the Bucintoro on Ascension Day, with a View of VeniceLink opens in a new window, ca. 1565

Anonymous, The Arrival of Henri III of France at the Lido in Venice in 1574, 1591

de' Barbari, Jacopo, View of Venice, 1500Link opens in a new window [You can zoom in and download sections]

Bellini, Gentile, Miracle of the Cross at the Bridge of San LorenzoLink opens in a new window, 1500

Bellini, Gentile, Procession in Piazza San MarcoLink opens in a new window, 1496.

Carpaccio, Vittore, The Healing of the MadmanLink opens in a new window, c. 1496

Carpaccio, Vittore, Hunting on the Lagoon, c. 1490-1495

Carpaccio, Vittore, The Lion of St MarkLink opens in a new window, 1516

Mansueti, Giovanni, Miracle of the Relic of the Holy Cross in Campo San LioLink opens in a new window, c. 1494

Veronese, Bonifacio, God the Father over Piazza San MarcoLink opens in a new window, 1540s

Veronese, Paolo, Apotheosis of VeniceLink opens in a new window, 1585

Secondary Sources

De Vivo, Filippo, 'Walking in Sixteenth-Century Venice: Mobilizing the Early Modern CityLink opens in a new window,' I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance 19 (2016), 115-141.

Brown, Patricia Fortini, Venetian Narrative Painting in the Age of Carpaccio (New Haven,1988)

Fox, Julie D., Sacred, Suspect, Forbidden: The Use of Space in Early Modern VeniceLink opens in a new window, PhD. diss, University of Kentucky, 2013.

Howard, Deborah, 'Venice as a Dolphin: Further Investigations into Jacopo de' Barbari's ViewLink opens in a new window', Artibus et Historiae 18/35 (1997), 101-111

Love Huffman, Kristin, ed., A View of Venice: Portrait of a Renaissance CityLink opens in a new window (Durham, NC, 2023)

Schulz, J., The Printed Plans and Panoramic Views of Venice (1486-1797) (Florence, 1970)

Wilson, Bronwen, ‘Venice, print, and the early modern iconLink opens in a new window’, Urban History 33/1 (2006), 39–64.

Wilson, Bronwen, The World in Venice: Print, the City, and Early Modern Identity (Toronto, 2005)