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Week 4: Asiatic Audiences for Science

Seminar Questions

  • What was the relationship between science and the East India Company?
  • Why did East India Company officials publish a scientific journal?
  • Who read science in India, and why?
  • How did print transform Indian and European scientific knowledge?

Seminar Readings

** ‘Preface’, ‘List of Subscribers’, and ‘Contents’, Gleanings in Science, 1 (1829), v-xvii

** ‘Preface’, Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), v-viii

** ‘Preface’ and ‘List of Subscribers’, Gleanings in Science, 3 (1831), v-xi

** ‘Contributions to Natural History’, Gleanings in Science, 3 (1831), 320-324

* Arnold, David, Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India (Cambridge, 2000), 1-56

Additional Readings


Asiatic Researches (Calcutta, 1788-1921)

The Calcutta Journal of Natural History (Calcutta, 1840-1847)

Gleanings in Science (Calcutta, 1829-1831)

The Madras Journal of Literature and Science (Madras, 1833-1894)

Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta (Calcutta, 1825-1845)


Arnold, David, Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India (Berkley, CA, 1993)

Arnold, David, Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India (Cambridge, 2000)

Arnold, David, The Tropics and the Traveling Gaze: India, Landscape and Science, 1800–1856 (New Delhi, 2005).

Baldwin, Melinda, ‘The Shifting Ground of Nature: Establishing an Organ of Scientific Communication in Britain, 1869–1900’, History of Science, 50 (2012)

Chakrabarti, Pratik, ‘The Asiatic Society and its Vision of Science: Metropolitan Knowledge in a Colonial World’, The Calcutta Historical Journal, 21-22 (1999-2000)

Chakrabarti, Pratik, Medicine and Empire, 1600-1960 (Basingstoke, 2013)

Csiszar, Alex, ‘Seriality and the Search for Order: Scientific Print and Its Problems During the Late Nineteenth Century’, History of Science, 48 (2010)

Das, Shinjini, ‘Debating Scientific Medicine: Homoeopathy and Allopathy in Late Nineteenth-Century Medical Print in Bengal’, Medical History, 56 (2004)

Deb Roy, Rohan, ‘Science, Medicine and New Imperial Histories’, The British Journal for the History of Science, 45 (2013)

Fyfe, Aileen, Julie McDougall-Waters, and Noah Moxham, ‘350 Years of Scientific Periodicals’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 69 (2015)

Mathew, John, ‘Edward Blyth, John M’Clelland, the Curatorship of the Asiatic Society’s Collections and the Origins of the Calcutta Journal of Natural History’, Archives of Natural History, 42 (2015)

Mukharji, Projit Bihari, Nationalizing the Body: The Medical Market, Print, and Daktari Medicine (London, 2009)

Raj, Kapil, Relocating Modern Science: Circulation and the Construction of Knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900 (Basingstoke, 2007).

Seminar Powerpoint

Powerpoint - Week 4

Seminar Handout

Handout - Week 4

Seminar Books

Bound volume

Complete bound volume of monthly issues of Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Calcutta Binder

'Martin, Binder, Calcutta', binders' mark on inside cover of bound volume of Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Title page with owner

Owner's inscription on title page of Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Contents page with owner

Owner's marks indicating articles read, Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Paper covers

Original paper covers from monthly issue of Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Advertisement for Thacker and Co

Advertisment on paper covers for Thacker and Co's books in Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Hodgson musk deer lithograph

Lithography from Hodgson article on Nepali natural history from Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.

Lithographs pasted into volume

Evidence that lithographs were cut and pasted into volume from Gleanings in Science, 2 (1830), copy held by Cambridge University Library.