Arts and Society in Early Modern Europe (HI3J3)
Tutor: Dr Luca Molà
Office: FAB3.40 (Terms 2 and 3)
Phone: 024 76574282, internal extension 74282
Term-Time Office Hours: Wednesdays 13:00-14:00 and Thursdays 16:00-17:00
Seminar Times: TBC
This undergraduate final-year 30 CATS Special Subject module is only available to single-honours History students on the 'Renaissance and Modern History' pathway.
The module allows students to analyse the historical meanings of ‘arts’ - in which luxury objects are considered alongside painting, sculpture and architecture - by placing them in the context of early modern European society. Its ample geographical focus (Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France and England) is designed to highlight the different paths by which Europe acquired a shared visual culture.
As a Special Subject, this module gives students the opportunity to study a set of problems in depth, with the aid of primary printed sources and artefacts (to be studied directly in museum collections and through internet resources). It is also intended to develop the ability of students to engage with visual materials in order to broaden and refine their historical analyses.
- Assessment and Contact Hours