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Continuities and Discontinuities in Crime and Punishment c. 1500-c. 1750


In our final seminar, we will reflect on what we have found in the module. In particular, we will discuss the extent to which crimes and punishments across early modern Europe changed between c. 1500 and c. 1750 and the extent to which they remained the same. We will also consider the possible reasons for these changes and continuities.

Seminar Questions

To what extent did crimes and punishments across early modern Europe change between c. 1500 and c. 1750 and why?

To what extent did crimes and punishments across early modern Europe remain the same between c. 1500 and c. 1750 and why?

Required Reading

There is no specific reading for this seminar. Instead, in answering the seminar questions, each student should select issues and relevant reading from previous seminars. This is an opportunity for you to present your own particular reflections on the module.