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Fairy Stories


The Folklore Podcast: Literary Fairy Tales (discussion with Prof. Jack Zipes)Link opens in a new window

Gunnell, Terry, 'Grimm Ripples: The Role of the Grimms’ Deutsche Sagen in the Collection and Creation of National Folk Narratives in Northern Europe', in Folklore and Nation in Britain and IrelandLink opens in a new window, ed. Matthew Cheeseman and Carina Hart (London, 2022), 22-47

Haase, Donald, ed., The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window, 3 vols (Westport, Conn., 2008)

Teverson, Andrew, ed., The Fairy Tale WorldLink opens in a new window (London, 2019)

Warner, Marina, Once Upon A Time: A Short History of Fairy TaleLink opens in a new window (Oxford, 2016)

Zipes, Jack, Buried Treasures: The Power of Political Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window (Princeton N.J., 2023)

Zipes, Jack, ed., The Oxford Companion to Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window (Oxford, 2000)

Zipes, Jack, The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Cultural and Social History of a GenreLink opens in a new window (Princeton, N.J., 2012)

Primary Sources
The British Isles

Campbell, J. F., Popular Tales of the West HighlandsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, 4 vols (Edinburgh, 1860-1862)Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

Jacobs, John, English Fairy Tales and More English Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window, ed. Donald Haase (Santa Barbara, CA, 2002)

Jarvie, Gordon, ed., Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales from Burns to BuchanLink opens in a new window (Harmondsworth, 2008)

Morrison, Sophia, Manx Fairy TalesLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (London, 1911)

Newton, Michael, ed., Victorian Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window (Oxford, 2015)

Rosen, Michael, ed., Workers' Tales: Socialist Fairy Tales, Fables, and Allegories from Great BritainLink opens in a new window (Princeton, NJ, 2018)

Eastern Europe and Russia

Afanasyev, Alexander, Tales from Russian FolkloreLink opens in a new window, trans. Stephen Pimenoff (London, 2020)


Laboulaye, Édouard, Smack-Bam, or The Art of Governing Men: Political Fairy Tales of Édouard LaboulayeLink opens in a new window (Princeton, NJ, 2018)

Perrault, Charles, The Complete Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans. Christopher Betts (Oxford, 2010)

Schultz, Gretchen, and Lewis Seifert, eds, Fairy Tales for the Disillusioned: Enchanted Stories from the French Decadent TraditionLink opens in a new window (Princeton, NJ, 2017)

The German Lands

Grimm, Jacob, and Wilhelm Grimm, The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First EditionLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans. Jack Zipes (Princeton, NJ, 2014)

Zipes, Jack, ed., Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days: Collected Utopian TalesLink opens in a new window, rev. ed. (Houndmills, 2018)

Zur Mühlen, Hermynia, The Castle of Truth and Other Revolutionary TalesLink opens in a new window, trans. Jack Zipes (Princeton, NJ, 2020)

The Italian States

Basile, Giambattista, Giambattista Basile's The Tale of Tales, or Entertainment for Little OnesLink opens in a new window, ed. Jack Zipes, trans. Nancy L. Canepa (Detroit, MI, 2007)

Gonzenbach, Laura, The Robber with a Witch's Head: More Stories from the Great Treasury of Sicilian Folk and Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans.Jack Zipes (London, 2004)

Mazzoni, Cristina, The Pomegranates and Other Modern Italian Fairy TalesLink opens in a new window (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2021)

Pitré, Giuseppe, The Collected Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales of Giuseppe PitréLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans. Jack Zipes and Joseph Russo (London: Taylor & Francis, 2008)

Straparola, Giovanni Francesco, The Pleasant Nights, ed. Donald Beecher, trans. W.G. Waters, 2 vols (Toronto, 2012-2017), vol. ILink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window and vol. IILink opens in a new window


Andersen, Hans Christian, The Stories of Hans Christian Andersen: A New Translation from the DanishLink opens in a new window, ed. and trans. Diana Crone Frank and Jeffrey Frank (Durham, NC, 2005)


Wolf, Leonard, trans., Yiddish FolktalesLink opens in a new window, ed. Beatrice Silverman Weinrich (New York, 1997)

Secondary Sources
The British Isles

Carrassi, Vito, The Irish Fairy Tale: A Narrative Tradition from the Middle Ages to Yeats and Stephens, trans. Kevin Wren (Lanham, MD, 2012)

Schacker, Jennifer, National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nineteenth-Century EnglandLink opens in a new window (Philadelphia, 2003)

Young, Simon, Ceri Houlbrook, Magical Folk: British and Irish Fairies - 500 AD to the PresentLink opens in a new window (London, 2017)