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Tutor: Robert Fletcher (

'Who is to say that Mickey Mouse is not Japanese, or that Ronald McDonald is not Chinese.'

(James Watson, Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia (Stanford, 2006).)


What is global history?

What is globality?

Key Reading

Berg, Maxine, ‘Global History: Approaches and New Directions’, Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the Twenty-First Century, ed. Maxine Berg, Oxford University Press (Oxford, 2013), 1-18.

O’Brien, Patrick, 'Historiographical Traditions and Modern Imperatives for the Restoration of Global History', Journal of Global History 1:1 (2006).

Shih, Shu-me, 'Global Literature and the Technologies of Recognition’, PMLA 119:1 (2004): 16-30.

Further Readings

Burbank, Jane, and Frederick Cooper, ‘Imperial Trajectories’, Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference, Princeton University Press (Princeton, 2010), 1-22.

Duara, Prasenjit, The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, 2014).

Palumbo-Liu, David, Bruce Robbins, and Nirvana Tanoukhi, eds., Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale, Culture, Duke University Press (Durham, 2011).

Shih, Shu-me, ‘The Concept of the Sinophone’, PMLA 126:3 (2011): 709-718.

Stoler, Ann Laura, and Frederick Cooper, ‘Between Metropole and Colony: Rethinking a Research Agenda’, Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World, ed. Frederick Cooper and Ann Laura Stoler, Duke University Press (Durham, 1997), 1-56.

Stoler, Ann Laura, and Carole McGranahan, ‘Introduction: Refiguring Imperial Terrains’, Imperial Formations, ed. Ann Laura Stoler, Carole McGranahan, and Peter D., Perdue School for Advanced Research Press (Santa Fe, 2007), 3-42.

Wallerstein, Immanuel, ‘The European World Economy: Periphery versus External Arena’, The Modern World System I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, University of California Press (Berkeley, 2011 [1974]), 300-344.