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Post Graduate Conference 2009-2010

Conference Booklet (PDF Document) (including programme and abstracts)

Graduate Conference 2010

Day 1
Date: Thursday 27th May 2010
Venue : Maths and Stats Building
Conference Time: 9:15am to 5:00pm
9:15-9:45am Registration- Maths and Stats Building Atrium

Opening Remarks: Trevor Burnard, Head of Department, MS03

10:00 - 11:20am

Session 1a: Resistance and Repression MS05

Chair: Mark Hailwood

James Fernyhough - Anarchism in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War

Kay Lynan - Jewish Passive Resistance in the Holocaust: The Neglected Struggle

John McDermott - County Leitrim 1908-1921 - Years of Revolution

Nargiz Najafova - Nestor Makhno's relationship with Ukrainian Nationalism and Bolshevism in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921


Session 1b: A Regional Perspective MS03

Chair: Jennifer Kirkwood

Stephan Bos - Reformation and Resistance: The Reform of Popular culture in Chester and Cheshire

Madeleine Green - Building ‘the Great Toy Shop of Europe’: The Use of Space in Birmingham 1731-1838.

Stuart Merritt - Property Crime and Offenders in Earls Colne

Laura Spence - Murder in the South East of England, 1558-1700


11:20 - 11:40am Break, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

11:40 - 1:00pm

Session 2a: Crime and Punishment MS05

Chair: David Hitchcock

Caroline Spence - Smuggling in Early Modern France

Samuel Walker - The Ritual And Spectacle of Pain and Punishment in Early Modern Europe

Jessica Wain - Policing Warwickshire: public responses to crime prevention in the nineteenth century

Naomi Wood – Providence as punishment in seventeenth century England


Session 2b: Consumption and Collection MS03

Chair: Sarah Easterby Smith

Meike Fellinger - Merchant networks and consumer culture: London’s Huguenots, 1780-1820.

Rachel Louise Kelly - Fashion in colonial climates: To what extent were white women in early colonial Jamaica followers of British fashionable taste and consumption patterns?

Jenny Sargeant - Madam Shops: British Retailers and French Fashion, 1900-1960

Melissa Tan - The World at Home: The Culture of Collecting in Early Modern England



1:00 - 2:00pm

Lunch, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

2:00 - 3:20pm

Session 3a: Representations and Rumour MS05

Chair: Tim Davies

David Hitchcock - 'I am a lusty beggar': Representations of Vagrancy and Deception in the Early Modern English Ballad.

Fae Honeybell - Cunning folk and Wizards in Early Modern England

Hannah Johnson - The representation of the elderly in Early Modern folk song

Susan Law - Public roles and private lives: Aristocratic Adultery 1760-1830


Session 3b: Spaces and Sites of Knowledge MS03

Chair: April Gallwey

David Beck – ‘Enquiry into one of the smallest parts’: County Natural Histories and the exploration of England, c. 1660-1720

Timothy McEvoy - An Englishman in Venice: Arthur Edgcombe and useful knowledge in the eighteenth century

Stevie Muir - Late Nineteenth Century Adventure Literature in the Birmingham Free Library: 'Heroic, Exotic and Bracingly Masculine'?

Martin Tebbutt - Puritan Utopias of Seventeenth—Century England and America


3:20 - 3:40pm Break, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

3:40 - 5:00pm

Session 4a: Methods and Medicine MS05

Chair: David Beck

Martin Moore - '(De)Colonizing the Body'?: A postcolonial history of British biomedical research and representation of non-white diabetes

Harriet Palfreyman - 'A parcel of rotten bones not worth delineating': The emergence of the pathological image in eighteenth century Britain.

Greg Wells - Statistical process charting and scurvy in seventeenth century England

Rebecca Williams - Demography, Development and Family Planning in Postcolonial India


Session 4b: Twentieth Century Turmoil MS03

Chair: Aaron Jaffer

Anthony Bounds - The Nature of Independence: The West Indies Federation and British Decolonization in the Caribbean From 1945 to 1962

Tom Owen - Harlow: Developing A Qualitative Social History

Laura Parker - The impact of the Vietnam War in America

Graduate Conference 2010

Day 2
Date: Friday 28th May 2010
Venue: Maths and Stats Building
Conference Time: 9:30am to 4:00pm. Followed by drinks reception: from 4:00pm onwards

09:30 - 10:00 am

Refreshments on arrival, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

10:00 - 11:20 am

Session 5a: Dependency and Care MS B303

Chair: Christopher Vernon

Emily Andrews - "The last infirmity of noble minds": The boundary between 'natural dotage' and 'senile insanity' in Britain, 1860-1914

Michele Archer - Idiocy and institutionalisation in late Victorian Britain. Admissions to the Warwick County Idiot Asylum 1852 to 1877

Cecilia Hallström - Childcare in Ireland: The Cottage Home for Little Children, 1879-1908

Anna Rothfuss - Industrial Schools in Nineteenth Century England


Session 5b: Early Modern England MS04

Chair: Linda Ann Briggs

Emily New – Sibling relationships and family favouritism in early modern England

Jenna Slater – How Successful was the reign of Mary I

Anne Thompson – Priests' Whores to Paragons of Piety: Clergy Wives c.1560 to c.1700

Stephen Bates – The cult of the Virgin in Reformation England


11:20 - 11:45 am Break, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

11:45 - 1:05pm

Session 6a: Government Policy and Nation Building MS B303

Chair: Stephen Bates

Amy Davis - Cuban medical internationalism: Surviving the collapse of the USSR and expanding into the new millennia, 1989-2000

Jack Fairweather - Social Policy and Soccer in Brazil during the era Getúlio Vargas, 1930-54

Rob Catton - The role of the Holodomor in modern day Ukrainian politics

Kyle Chau - The role of the Central Government in the rise of China between the late 1970s and early 1990s


Session 6b: Gender Boundaries MS04

Chair: Rebecca Williams

Jenny Elliot - Visualising gender and nation in post-Easter Rising Ireland

Nicola Griffiths - ‘Female Coiners’: A major conservative force in Britain, 1790-1830

Matthew Jackson - Women and drink in early modern culture

Laura Ryley - The patron or the politician? Women and the political sphere in eighteenth century Britain


1:05-2:05pm Lunch, Maths and Stats Building Atrium

2:05-3:25 pm

Session 7a: Negotiating Independence MS B303

Chair: David Doddington

Rebecca Frere - Woman’s Suffrage in the USA 1848-1920: Discourse in the History of Woman Suffrage, Volumes One to Six

Jennifer Kirkwood - “…their supposed estate of Tenantryght…” Challenge to Border Tenant Right in Cumberland at the time of the Union of the Crowns

Sam Gobourn - American Independence and Diplomacy: American Ambassadors in Europe 1776-1783.

Benjamin Hankinson - Understanding Slave Runaways in the Antebellum South


Session 7b: Constructions of Race and Culture MS04

Chair: Harriet Palfreyman

Feifei Wu - Media image of the Boxers in different perspectives: A comparison research of China and West

Josh Best - The development of a creole culture in the British Caribbean

Hicham Boutaleb - The Accidental Occidental Globe

Jessica Legnini - American Blackface Minstrelsy in Britain, 1843-1848


3:35 pm Winner of E-portfolio competition announced MS04
3:45 pm Closing Remarks: Rebecca Earle, Director of Graduate Studies MS04
4:00 pm Wine Reception: Maths and Stats Building Atrium