Enrolment portal contents
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Enrolment for LLL courses in 2024/25 is now closed.
The courses in the Lifelong Language Learning (LLL) programme may be taken by students, university staff and members of the public.
We offer a range of levels, depending on the language.
The fees for LLL courses in 2024/25 are as follows:
- All Warwick students (UG and PG) - £250
- Staff and members of the public -
- early-bird offer £250 if you register before 12:00 (midday) on Monday 16 September 2024
- £275 from 13:00 on Monday 16 September 2024
LLL courses run for 18 weeks over two terms and each week you will have a two-hour online class (using Microsoft Teams). Classes will start week commencing Monday 14 October 2024.
We are delighted to announce that, thanks to the generosity of one of our alumni, we are able to offer a free place on one of our Lifelong Language Learning (LLL) courses to a student who identifies as coming from a widening participation background. Please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/QYrS3mvWZM. Applications will close on Tuesday 8th October midday.
Decisions on which classes will run in 2024/25 will be made on Wednesday 9 October, and only enrolments for viable classes will be taken past this time. If your enrolment has been successful, and we will be running the course for 2024/25, you will be sent an email confirmation by no later than Friday 11 October 2024.
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LLL timetable for 2024-25
Please find here details of the LLL courses offered in 2024-25
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FAQs for LLL
Please see here for some FAQs regarding our LLL courses
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Enrolment for LLL courses in 2024/25 is now closed.
Warwick students, please enrol here.
Members of staff and public, please enrol here.
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Contact us
If you have any questions about our LLL courses, or regarding how to enrol with us, please contact us at SMLCOffice@warwick.ac.uk
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Step 1:
Decide which language you would like to learn.
If you are a beginner or if you are absolutely sure of your level, you will be able to enrol online using the link provided (please note: you cannot change level once you have enrolled online without the specific consent of your class tutor and the office).
If you need help determining your level, please email us at SMLCOffice@warwick.ac.uk
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Step 2:
Complete the online enrolment form.
Once you have determined which level/course to enrol in, you will need to complete the online enrolment form and ensure you have declared any prior study.
The form, along with more information on the process, can be found below. Payment must be made at the same time as completing the form (debit and credit card payments are taken online).
Please note:
- payment can only be made online
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Step 3:
Are you an undergraduate student taking a LLL course?
LLL courses bear no credit and do not need to be added to module registration (eVision). If you are an undergraduate student, and you meet the criteria for successfully completing the course, you will receive an achieved grade in your HEAR record at the end of the academic year (please see here for more information on HEAR).
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Decisions on which classes will run in 2024/25 will be made on Wednesday 9 October, and only enrolments for viable classes will be taken past this time.
If your enrolment has been successful, and we will be running the course for 2024/25, you will be sent an email confirmation by no later than Friday 11 October 2024.
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Please note: we operate a NO REFUND policy, except in the following cases:
- If we have to cancel a class;
- If you are unable to attend and you notify us at least one week before the start of the course;
- In very special circumstances (medical reasons or relocation - proof required for both). This does not include other commitments.