General language learning resources
ALL The Association for Language Learning
This site requires membership but does allow you to browse useful information and articles about the world of language teaching and also has many useful links. They have also joined forces with the National Centre for Languages CILT to create a website for those interested in ICT and Languages.
This is a new way of recognising achievement in Foreign Language Learning and of encouraging the lifelong learning of languages. It is designed to provide accreditation for learners of all ages and abilities. It is tied in with the Languages Ladder and adheres to the principles of the Common European Framework for Languages.
Online access to the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, everything you need to know about this examination board
Business and International Communication (SOLVIT)
This is a new and well maintained site by RLN, BLIS and CILT. It is an excellent resource for businesses but also gives teachers an insight into the importance of communication in the Interational World of Work. The site has a 3 pronged approach under the headings of Spoken, Written & Visual and Cultural communication
A business partnership headed by Graham Davies which specialises in the development and retailing of CALL software, CALL consultancy and ICT training for language teachers. It also has an amazing A-Z Webliography of Websites associated with language learning. This is well worth a visit.
Now known as the National Centre for Languages, CILT is the Government's recognised centre of expertise on languages. The organisation's mission is to promote greater capability in languages amongst all sectors of the population. It offers a wide range of services for teachers, learners, researchers, users and providers of language services and the business community. It also provides links to other key organisations such as LanguagesICT ( ICT ideas and guidance for teachers), NACELL (National Advisory Centre on Early Language Learning), Languages Work* (Inspiration & Advice for Languages and Careers) and BLIS ( Online Business Language Services).
The UK Government's Website containing important documents and guidelines referring to the study of modern foreign languages.
Online access to the EDEXCEL examination board.
A Website which provides an A-Z of useful links to foreign language sites around the world.
A US resource centre offering links to various language learning tools.
A comprehensive catalogue of language-related internet resources and information in 76 different languages, from Arabic to Welch. Very easy to navigate and well worth a visit.
Stu Hasic's 'Double Jeopardy' is a computerised (Windows) version of the TV Quiz Show, but you get to build the questions you like on any subject you like. Ideally suited to languages!
The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. The Centre is hosted by the University of Southampton. It's mission is to foster world-class education in languages by promoting good practice and identifying emerging issues. The website is a source of information, useful links and resources which promote language learning. They have also developed some excellent promotional material called 'Why study Languages' which can be ordered from them for a small fee.
Keep up to date with current affairs in France with the online version of this French Newspaper.
Keep up to date with current affairs in Spain with the online version of this Spanish newspaper.
This site gives guidance on how to fill out the Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and lots of advice and guidance on how a Modern Foreign Language department should be managed, from lesson monitoring to gathering evidence.
Keep up to date with current affairs in Italy with the online version of this Italian newspaper.
The online version of the German magazine Spiegel.
The online version of this German Newspaper.
The online version of the Times Educational Supplement
A continually updated database to help you find the best education resources on the internet, in all subjects.
Training and Development Agency (TDA)
A rich source of information for teachers and anybody considering a career in teaching.
There are two useful websites run by Robert O'Dowd to provide Foreign Language educators with useful links and resources, for exploiting video conferencing technology, to develop their students' foreign language skills. The first site is Video Conferencing in Foreign Language Education and the second is Telecollaboration.
The online version of the German newspaper.