Resources for key stage 3
This website can be used in class with the assistance of a teacher or also in the home for individual study. Levels are awarded and defined in accordance with the Common European Framework for Languages.
A Tantot
An excellent website with online resources for French and German. A perfect resource for the Interactive Whiteboard with a range of starters, plenaries, games, videos and exam tips/activities. The site caters for KS2, KS3 and KS4.
French Assistant
This site allows you to learn and practise French using online language lessons. Requires registration.
This site contains listening, speaking, reading and writing resources created by teachers from the UK, US and France. The majority are completely free, and all of them are automatically marked. Teachers can also create and share their own interactive resources on the site.
A site for French teachers and their students, maintained by Steve Smith from Ripon Grammar School which has its own language website with useful links and activities in French and German. has regularly updated free resources and links to other very useful language sites such as Languages Online. Well worth a visit.
German Steps
An online course for beginners who wish to learn German. It has tips on grammar, pronunciation and cultural awareness.
Goethe Institute
This site hosts a wealth of links to other German websites. It also has a range of online materials for teachers and learners of German such as lesson plans, interactive resources and videos.
Hot Potatoes
An impressive piece of downloadable software which allows you to design and develop your own interactive quizzes. You can also customise by adding sound and picture files, links for these are also available on the HotPots site.
Language Guide
This site offers free, sound integrated resources for learning languages. It is a registered non-profit organisation. Excellent for seeing and listening to authentic pronunciation on a range of topics and in a range of languages, including French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese and more.
Language Investigator
The Language Investigator Website is aimed at primary school teachers but could also be used in KS3. The site, developed in Coventry, supports teachers who wish to introduce a multillingual dimension into their lessons. The site provides a number of opportunities for investigating languages together with links to multilingual materials which support the teacher in developing them. Enhances literacy, promotes cultural cohesion and develops thinking skills. Well worth a visit.
Learn a Language
A site offering French games, vocabulary, phrases and verbs as well as cultural information.
Lexique FLE
An excellent site for introducing new vocabulary in a variety of topics. Provides downloadable resources, ideal for the interactive whiteboard, with clickable pictures, with sound files and consolidation activities.
MFL Games
This site provides a range of games for learners of Spanish. Good for consolidation or revision of vocabulary, however some of the games make excellent starters and plenaries for the interactive whiteboard.
MFL Resources
A vast amount of resources and materials for teachers and learners of French, Spanish, German and Italian. It offers a variety of worksheets, ready-to-use powerpoint presentations and games for both KS3, KS4 and KS5. Excellent.
Oxford University Press has text books for Key Stage 3 and the website includes sample materials to download.
A wonderful website created by Christophe Laroy with over 40 interactive activities all relating to Paris.
A website to support pronunciation in French, with soundfiles attached. It has guidance and exercises on intonation, phonems, vowel sounds and liaison between words.
Picture Dictionary
The Internet Picture Dictionary provides a range of flashcards, gapfills, word scrambles and stinky spellings in French, German, Italian, Spanish and English.
This website contains a section for students and independant learners. It offers a range of games and quizzes in all areas of the curriculum, languages covered are French, German, Japanese, Latin, Italian and Spanish. A very good resource for the interactive whiteboard or for independant revision of vocabulary.
The German television station online, with news,weather,sport, music, videos, quizzes and games.
A wealth of information on Spanish current affairs, politics, history and culture. A good site for pupils carrying out research on spain.
Spanish Language
Contains useful language facts and information about news, travel and culture in Spain. The 'resources' section provides an extensive list of useful links to equally helpful sites for learners and teachers of Spanish.
St Peter's School, York
A wealth of resources and links, mainly for French but some links for German and Spanish too. Links to French television, radio stations, newspapers (national and regional), Music, Art & Culture and cinema. Also has links to language research sites, sites which promote careers in languages and much more. Well worth a visit.
Super Language Sites
Maintained by Jim Becker. Hundreds of useful links for learners and teachers of French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. Well worth a browse.
Teacher's Pet
For teachers to download Teacher's Pet, they must first agree to upload and share a creation of their own such as a lesson plan, a set of flashcards etc. Teacher's Pet allows teachers to transform any text into a fun classroom activity, for example crosswords, flashcards, bingo cards, verb tense exercises, gapfill activities and more.
The online version of the French TV Channel., with news, weather, sport and cinema. The music section has video streams of selected French artists with the option of seeing the lyrics. There is also a 'Langue Française' section which contains quizzes, games, translations and even Sudoku using letters.
Usina Quiz
A multitude of downloadable, interactive resources for teachers and learners of French. It contains games, quizzes, grammar exercises and even Mr Potato Head in French to describe parts of the face using adjectives. Superb!
An online verb conjugator in every language imaginable. Would provide excellent support for pupils doing extended writing or written coursework.
A multitude of resources for teachers and learners of German, ranging from powerpoint presentations with sound in the 'Animated Grammar' section to videos and audios in the 'Online Interactive Learning' section. Excellent!
An excellent site for teaching & Learning resources in French, German, Spanish and Welsh. Subscription is required to use the site between 9.00-4.00pm, Access is free at all other times.