... keeping in touch and helping us!
For a department that has existed for several decades, Warwick German Studies boasts a large, rich and varied community of alumni. Warwick Germanists have gone on to teach in secondary and higher education, to work in law and business, local government and hold prominent roles in the media. Whether it is a matter of presenting to current graduates or assisting in generating or donating to departmental funding, Warwick Germanists stay in touch!
Follow the links below to find out about the growing alumni culture centred on Warwick German Studies, and read or watch more about recent alumni events. If you are an Alumnus and wish to make contact, please contact Grit Brendecke.
Click here to find out about the 2010 Alumni and Careers Event!
Click here to find out about the large-scale Alumni gathering of 2008!
Click here to read statements by recent graduates about life after Warwick!