Dr Birgit Röder
Senior Teaching Fellow in Literature and Language
Tel: 24467
Email: Birgit dot Roder at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Dr Birgit Röder studied at the Heinrich Heine Universität in Düsseldorf and completed her PhD thesis at the University of Reading. She also holds a certificate of competent knowledge in spoken and written Farsi (Persian) from the University of Cologne. Before coming to Warwick she worked at the Universities of Reading and Nottingham where she taught a wide range of literary modules and language classes.
Research interests
- Romanticism, especially E.T.A.Hoffmann
- Gender and feminisim
- The Orient in German Culture
Teaching and supervision
- GE101: Modern German Language 1
- GE109: Aspects of German Culture in the Age of Enlightenment
- GE 207 German Culture in the Age of Revolution, 1789-1848
Administrative roles
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (German)
First-year Examinations Secretary
- Joint-course liaison for French and/with German; German and/with Italian; German with Language Centre degrees;
Personal Tutor
Selected publications
- The Major Novellas of E.T.A. Hoffmann, Columbia SC: Camden House, 2003.
Journal Articles:
- ‘“Fort in die Welt! — nach Konstantinopel!”: Das Orientbild im literarischen Werk E. T. A. Hoffmanns’, German Life and Letters, 64 (2011), 501-20.
- ‘Peter Härtlings Hoffmann oder die vielfältige Liebe: ein Plädoyer für Mischa?’, German Life and Letters, 56 (2003), 168-82.
- ‘“Denn sie lebt nur, wenn sie singt!” The Idealisation of Art and Femininity in E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Künstlernovellen’, Proceedings of the CUTG conference Oxford 2001, ed. Ritchie Robertson and Katrin Kohl, Bern: Peter Lang, 2003, 41-53.
- ‘The Romantic Era’ in The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, 63 (2001), 674-95 [published 2003].
- ‘“Ich sah aus tiefer Nacht feurige Dämonen ihre glühenden Krallen ausstrecken.” The Problem of the Romantic Ideal in E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Don Juan’, Colloquia Germanica, 34 (2001), 1-14.
- ‘“Sie ist dahin und das Geheimnis gelöst!”: Künstler und Mensch in E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Rat Krespel’, German Life and Letters, 53 (2000), 1-16.
Book Chapter:
- ‘E.T.A. Hoffmann and the Fantastic’ in: The Fantastic, ed. Claire Whitehead (Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2012).
- Review of: Populäre Erscheinungen. Der Deutsche Schauerroman um 1800. Hrsg. Barry Murnane und Andrew Cusack (München, 2011). In: MLR, 108.3 (2013), 318-20.
- Review of: E.T.A. Hoffmann and Alcohol. Biography, Reception and Art. By Victoria Dutchman-Smith. (MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 75; Bithell Series of Dissertations, 35). London: Maney, 2010. In: MLR, 106.3 (2011), 904-5.
- Contributions on ‘E.T.A. Hoffmann: Nachtstücke’, ‘Die Nachtwachen des Bonaventura’, and ‘Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué’ in Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850, ed. Chris Murray (Chicago & London: Fitzroy Deardon, 2004).
- Contributions on ‘Islam in Germany’ and ‘German Spelling Reform’ in Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture, ed. John Sandford (London: Routledge, 1999).
- BA; MA (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
- PhD (Reading)
Office hours
Tuesday 13.00 - 14.00 or by appointment
Undergraduate Modules
GE109: Aspects of German Culture in the Age of EnlightenmentGE108: The Changing Face of Germany in Text and Film
GE101: Modern German Language 1
GE 207 German Culture in the Age of Revolution, 1789-1848
Postgraduate Modules
EN 946 German Romanticism