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Flair Donglai Shi

Dr Flair Donglai Shi施東來 PhD, Oxford; MSt, Oxford; MA, UCL

Associate Tutor in Translation Studies and Comparative Literature (Affiliation)



Permanent Email Address 聯繫方式: donglai dot shi at warwick dot ac dot uk (華威)

shidonglai at sjtu dot edu dot cn (交大)

About 背景介绍 (updated 2024 September)

Flair Donglai SHI (施東來) is currently Tenure-Track Associate Professor (World Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies) in the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and has been affiliated with Warwick as Associate Tutor in Translation Studies (Chinese and English) since 2018. Flair obtained his PhD in English (Comparative Literature) from Oxford University. From 2025 onwards, he will facilitate the running of the English-instructed international program, MA in Modern Chinese Studies, at SJTU (please note that Flair is in no capability to take on graduate students outside of this program).

He is one of the founding members of CASIN (China-Africa Shanghai International Network) and manages the organisation's annual Global China-Africa Writing Competition. From 2023, he has been hosting the "Transnational and Situated" global research seminar series online and serving as one of the founding editors of the De Gruyter journal Culture as Text. He also contributes cultural commentaries in both English and Chinese on popular media platforms such as Wenxuebao (文學報), Pengpai (澎湃) and SixthTone.

Apart from academic work, Flair also offers translation services to assist commercial and cultural activities and has interpreted for honourable figures such as Mo Yan (莫言), Xu Bing (徐冰), Jin Xing (金星) and more. Flair welcomes all inquiries about possible research collaborations in different formats.

Research Interests 研究興趣

Flair’s current monograph project is entitled “Yellow Peril Revisited: Mutations, Reactions, and Reincarnations”, which investigates the racist concept of “the Yellow Peril” as a traveling discourse in contexts as diverse as early 20th century England, Apartheid South Africa and post-Mao China and the wider Sinophone world. It aims to revise the dominant paradigms in Postcolonial Studies and Sinophone Studies by highlighting the shifting agency activated by literary as well as visual appropriations. He is initiating another book-length project on the representations of China-Africa interactions in contemporary cultural products, which investigates interracial relations as portrayed in literatures and films from China and a range of African countries including Zambia, Lesotho, Kenya, Zimbabwe, etc. His other research interests include cultural figures of mixed Chinese and African heritage, Alice in Wonderland and China, theories of World Literature, modern Chinese and Taiwanese literature in translation, queer Sinophone Studies, as well as the Global South as a genre of fiction.

*From 2017 onwards he has been invited to do occasional peer reviewing by an array of academic journals including Cultural Critique (SSCI and A&HCI), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (SSCI and A&HCI), International Feminist Journal of Politics (SSCI), College Literature (A&HCI), Literature Compass (A&HCI), Chinese Literature and Thought Today (A&HCI), Comparative Critical Studies (A&HCI), Utopian Studies (A&HCI), ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (A&HCI), Kritika Kultura (A&HCI), Critical Arts (A&HCI), Life Writing (A&HCI), International Research in Children’s Literature (A&HCI), CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (A&HCI),The Wenshan Review (ESCI and THCI), South China Quarterly: Journal of University of Macau (南國學術-澳門大學學報) (CSSCI), Situations (KCI), African Identities (Scopus), Journal of Chinese Film Studies (Scopus), East Asian Journal of Popular Culture (Scopus), Oxford Research in English, Comparative Literature & World Literature, and Journal of Transcultural Communication.

Public Seminar Series "Transnational and Situated"

在地跨文化·系列研討會 (2023-ongoing)

At SJTU, Flair hosts a regular public seminar series named "Transnational and Situated" which invites established academics and early career researchers to discuss different aspects of transnationalism from the interdisciplinary perspectives of comparative literature, film and media studies, history and cultural anthropology. Guests invited so far include David Der-wei Wang (Harvard), Elleke Boehmer (Oxford), Dai Jinhua (PKU), Haun Saussy (Chicago), Chris Berry (KCL), Ato Quayson (Stanford), Jon Solomon (Lyon III) etc. Please check out our public WeChat Account, Facebook, or Youtube Channel for more information.

Key Publications 主要發表

Shi, Flair Donglai 施東來. ‘The Same-sex Marriage that Remains Unattainable: Thoughts on the Entanglements of “Left” and “Right” in Contemporary Discursive Fields across the Taiwan Strait (無法達成的同志婚姻: 關於當代兩岸思想輿論場中 「左」「右」糾葛的思考)’, Reflexion (思想) No. 49 (2024): 253-261. (Taiwan, solicited by guest editor Andy Wang)

Shi, Flair Donglai. 'Narrative, Imagination and Migration in the Southern Hemisphere: An Interview with Professor Elleke Boehmer’, Culture as Text, Vol. 1, no. 1-2 (2023): 129-142. (Germany/China, inaugural issue)

Shi, Flair Donglai. 'Out of the Yellow/Black Peril Discourse: Humanizing China-Africa Relations in Mukuka Chipanta’s A Casualty of Power’, Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 58, no. 3 (2021, Special Issue on Global South Studies edited by Anne Garland Mahler and Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra): 623-646. (US, peer reviewed, A&HCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. ‘Reconsidering Sinophone Studies: The Chinese Cold War, Multiple Sinocentrisms, and Theoretical Generalisation’, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Vol. 4, no. 2 (2021): 311-344. (UK/Taiwan/The Netherlands, peer reviewed, ESCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. ‘Reborn Translated: Xiaolu Guo as a World Author’, Kritika Kultura, no. 36 (2021): 166-194. (The Philippines, peer reviewed, A&HCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. ‘Translating the Translational: A Comparative Study of the Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese Translations of Xiaolu Guo’s A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers’, Translation and Literature, Vol. 30, no. 1 (2021): 1-29. (UK, peer reviewed, A&HCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. ‘Literary Resonances against Ideological Echo Chambers: Wu Zhuoliu’s Orphan of Asia and the Necessity of World Literature’, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Vol. 47, no. 4 (2020, Special Issue on the Cultural Resonance and the Echo Chamber of Reading edited by Shuangyi Li): 552-571. (Canada, invited by editor and peer reviewed, ESCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. ‘Sinophobia Will Never be the Same after COVID-19’, Made in China Journal, Vol. 5, Issue. II (2020): 176-183 and 307-311. (Australia, invited by editor Andrea Pia and peer reviewed, Open Access)

Shi, Flair Donglai and Tan, Gareth Guangming. (eds.) (2020) World Literature in Motion: Institution, Recognition, Location. Stuttgart and New York: Ibidem, with Columbia University Press, 532 pages; containing two single-authored chapters “Introduction: A Manifesto for Critical World Literature Studies.” (13-42) and “The Failure of the Man Asian Literary Prize and the Politics of Recognition.” (255-285) (Germany/US, series editors double reviewed)

Shi, Flair Donglai. (2019) “The Yellow Peril as a Travelling Discourse: A Comparative Study of Wang Lixiong’s China Tidal Wave.” Comparative Critical Studies, 16(1), 7-30. (UK, peer reviewed, A&HCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai 施東來. (2018) (in Chinese) “The Translational Strategies of Legend of the Condor Heroes (《射雕英雄傳》英譯本的翻譯策略)”, Wenxuebao (文學報), special online long feature. (China, solicited by editor Zheng Zhouming)

Shi, Flair Donglai. (2017) “Coming out of History and Coming Home: Homosexual Identification in Pai Hisen-yung’s Crystal Boys.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, 39, 135-152. (US, peer reviewed, MLA Index)

Shi, Flair Donglai. (2016) “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as an Anti-Feminist Text: Historical, Psychoanalytical, and Postcolonial Perspectives.” Women: A Cultural Review, 27(2), 177-201. (UK, peer reviewed, ESCI)

Shi, Flair Donglai. (2016) “Post-Mao Chinese Literature as World Literature: Struggling with the Systematic and the Allegorical.” Comparative Literature & World Literature, 1(1), 20-34. (China/US, peer reviewed, inaugural issue)

Critical Book Review Essays:

• ‘Book Review for Petrus Liu, The Specter of Materialism: Queer Theory and Marxism in the Age of the Beijing Consensus (Durham: Duke UP, 2023)', Asian Studies Review, Vol. 48, Issue. 4 (2024): online first. (invited by editor Josh Stenberg)

• ‘What's More Than the Alluvial? Doing Africa-China Humanities beyond Text(ure)s of Decolonisation’ Book Review for Duncan Yoon, China in 20th and 21st Century African Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2023), Safundi, Vol. 25, Issue. 3 (2024): 153-158. (solicited by editor Christopher J. Lee)

• ‘Book Review for David Der-wei Wang (ed.), A New Literary History of Modern China (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2017)', China Review International, Vol. 24, Issue. 1 (2019): 60-67.

• (with Min Hui Yeo) ‘Book Review for Hee Wai Siam (許維賢), Post-Malaysian Chinese-language Film: Accented Style, Sinophone and Auteur Theory 華語電影在後馬來西亞:土腔風格、華夷風與作者論 (Taipei: Lianjin, 2018)', East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 4, Issue. 2 (2018): 165-170. (solicited by author)

• ‘Book Review for Svend Erik Larsen, Literature and the Experience of Globalisation: Texts without Borders (London: Bloomsbury, 2017)', Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Vol. 54, Issue. 5 (2018): 718-719. (invited by editor Janet Wilson)

• ‘Book Review for Sarah Brouillette, Literature and the Creative Economy (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2014)', Oxford Research in English, Issue. 6 (2018): 73-77. (invited by editor Rowan Wilson)

Major Academic Grants and Awards 主要學術項目/獎項:

  • (2023-2024) Collaborative Teaching Fund (¥90,000), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in partial support for teaching collaboration with Matthew Reynolds (Oxford)
  • (2023-2024) SJTU-Warwick Collaborative Seed Fund (£10,000), Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Warwick University, for the project "Chinese British Authors and the Practice of World Literature" with Jane Qian Liu (Warwick)
  • (2023-2024) British Council and UK-China Humanities Alliance Visiting Scholars Award (£2,500), University of Exeter, for the project "Race and China-Africa Relations on Screen" with Xiaoning Lu (SOAS)
  • (2022-2025) Overseas Talent Scheme for Leading Scholars in the Humanities (¥750,000), Shanghai Municipal Government, for my overall research work
  • (2022-2025) Research Initiation Support (¥300,000), Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • (2016-2020) Full PhD funding and living stipends (≈£110,000), China Scholarship Council

(更多信息詳見 for more information with CV is available at opens in a new window)


Read the Introduction hereLink opens in a new window

See a recorded talk on my chapter on the failure of the Man Asian Literary Prize here

Founding Editorial Team at:

From 2023 onwards I have been acting as one of the founding editors of the new De Gruyter/Brill journal, Culture as Text, responsible for its comparative literature section. Submissions welcome.

Founding Member at:

I am the general manager of CASIN (China-Africa Shanghai International Network)'s annual Global China-Africa Writing Competition. The next round of Call for Submissions will open in mid 2025.

With Mo Yan in Oxford:

Latest Writings in Popular Media:

Courses Taught at Warwick:

(MA in Translation and Cultures) --

  • LN902 Translation Portfolio (2018)
  • LN904 Dissertation in Translation Studies (Chinese-English) (2019)

Courses Taught at Oxford:

  • Chinese British History through Literature and Film (2019)
  • An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Modern Chinese Literature (2018)
  • Dissertation Co-supervision (BA in English) (2019)
  • Dissertation Co-Supervision (MSt in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation) (2020-2021)

Courses Taught at Shanghai Jiao Tong University:

(MA in Modern Chinese Studies, English)

  • A Critical Introduction to Sinology and Chinese Studies (from 2023 ongoing)
  • Understanding the Rise of China through Film (from 2023 ongoing)
  • Independent Dissertation Supervision (from 2023 ongoing)
  • China-Africa Encounters: A Critical Cultural History (in preparation)

(General Education for Michigan-SJTU Joint Institute, English)

  • Chinese Cinema and Society (from 2024 ongoing)

(General BA compulsory course for all majors, Chinese)

  • Modern Chinese Literature and Film 现代中国文学与电影 (in preparation for 2025)

(BA degree preparation course for students going to the US to study, English)

  • Film Appreciation and Criticism (2024)

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