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Jeremy Ahearne Publications


Edited books

  • Intellectuals and Cultural Policy, ed. J. Ahearne and O. Bennett, London: Routledge 2007.
  • French Cultural Policy Debates: A Reader (selected, edited, translated and introduced), London: Routledge, 2002

Edited journal issues

  • Paragraph, 35/1, March 2012, special issue on ‘Bourdieu and the Literary Field’ (co-edited with John Speller) (with introduction pp. 1-9)
  • International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17/2, 2011, special edition on 'religion and cultural policy' (with O. Bennett)
  • International Journal of Cultural Policy, 15/2, 2009, special edition on 'implicit cultural policies' (with O. Bennett)
  • International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9/2, 2003, special edition on French and German cultural policies, guest editor J. Ahearne

Book chapters and articles

  • 'Language Policy Instruments and Questions of Cultural Diversity in England (2000-2018)' in Alexandre Couture-Gagnon (ed.), The Impact of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity on States' Cultural Policies, forthcoming Routledge (2024).
  • 'World Lingua Franca Regimes and Real Freedoms', in O. Davis and C. Watkin (eds), New Interdisciplinary Perspectives On and Beyond Autonomy (Routledge, 2023), pp. 167-80.
  • 'Emmanuel Macron and the Reprojection of the French Language', Modern and Contemporary France, 30/3, 2022, pp. 257-274, online open-access publication available here.
  • 'What good is a supercentral language? Justificatory repertoires for the projection of French, 1998-2018', European Journal of Language Policy, 14/1, 2022, pp. 67-87 (pre-publication author's version available here)
  • 'The Subject of Recognition in International Relations: Axel Honneth', in C. Davis and O. Davis (eds), Freedom and the Subject of Theory: Essays in Honour of Christina Howells, Oxford: Legenda, 2019, pp. 142-52.
  • 'International Recognition Regimes and the Projection of France', International Journal of Cultural Policy, 24/6, 2018, pp. 696-709.
  • 'Cultural insecurity and its discursive crystallisation in contemporary France', Modern and Contemporary France, 25/3, 2017, pp. 265-80.
  • 'Cultural policy through the prism of fiction (Michel Houellebecq)', International Journal of Cultural Policy, 23/1, Jan 2017, pp. 1-16.
  • ‘Laïcité: a parallel French cultural policy (2002-2007)’, French Cultural Studies, 25(3/4), 2014.
  • ‘Fields and fragments: Bourdieu, Pascal and the teachings of literature’, in Paragraph, 35/1 March 2012, pp. 97-114 (open access version here)
  • ‘Designs on the popular: framings of general, universal and common culture in French educational policy’, in David Looseley (ed.), Policy and the Popular (London: Routledge, 2011) [also available in International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17/4, Sept 2011, pp. 421-437] [open access version here]
  • 'Questions of Religion and Cultural Policy in France', International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17/2 (March 2011), pp. 153-169 [open access vs here]
  • 'Cultural Policy Implicit and Explicit: A Distinction and Some Uses', International Journal of Cultural Policy, 15/2, 2009, pp. 141-53 [open access version here]
  • 'Public Intellectuals and Cultural Policy in France', in Ahearne and Bennett (ed.), Intellectuals and Cultural Policy (London: Routledge, 2007), pp. 209-25.
  • 'Towards and Beyond The Practice of Everyday Life: The Cultural Policy Thinking of Michel de Certeau, 1973-1984', in Michel de Certeau: Geschichte-Kultur-Religion, ed. M. Fussel (Constance: Universitatsverlag Konstanz, 2007)
  • 'Public Intellectuals within a "Multiple Streams" Model of the Cultural Policy Process', International Journal of Cultural Policy, 12/1, March 2006
  • ‘La complexité dans les réseaux’, in C. Héber-Suffrin (ed.), Partager les savoirs, construire le lien, pref. M. Serres (Lyon: Chronique Sociale, 2001), pp. 49-55.
  • ‘Les pratiques pour tisser ensemble une culture’, in C. Héber-Suffrin (ed.), Partager les savoirs, construire le lien, pref. M. Serres (Lyon: Chronique Sociale, 2001), pp. 56-62..
  • ‘Questions of cultural policy in the thought of Michel de Certeau, 1968-1972’, in South Atlantic Quarterly, 100/2, Spring 2001, pp. 447-63.
  • Introduction to section ‘Other Languages: Speech and Writing’ in G. Ward (ed.), The Certeau Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000), pp. 153-7.
  • ‘French cultural policy past and present: essay review’, in French Cultural Studies, February 1999, 129-36.
  • ‘“Vers un agir complexe”: the Mouvement des Réseaux d'Echanges Réciproques des Savoirs and the writings of Edgar Morin’, in French Cultural Studies, October 1997, pp. 341-55.
  • ‘The shattering of Christianity and the articulation of belief’ [on Michel de Certeau], in New Blackfriars, Nov 1996, pp. 493-504.
  • ‘Feux persistants: Entretien sur Michel de Certeau’ (with Luce Giard, Dominique Julia, Pierre Mayol, Olivier Mongin), in Esprit, March 1996, pp. 131-154.


  • M. de Certeau, ‘The World of the Vowel’, in G. Ward, The Certeau Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000), pp. 177-87.
  • See also, under ‘Books’, French Cultural Policy Debates: A Reader.