Dr Eliana Maestri
Teaching Fellow
Language Teaching Coordinator
Tel: +44 (0) 2476 522131
Email: E dot Maestri at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Dr Eliana Maestri is Italian Language Co-ordinator. She provides professional leadership to the Italian language team, taking responsibility for the provision of the teaching of Italian at undergraduate level.
Dr Maestri graduated in Modern Languages and Literature (English and French) from the University of Parma, Italy (2000) and obtained her PhD in Translation and Gender Studies from the University of Bath (2011). She was a EUOSSIC Erasmus Mundus Post-Doctoral Fellow in European Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia (Dec. 2011-Sept. 2012). She was also the recipient of the 2014 MEEUC Research Fellowship at the University of Monash, Melbourne, working on Italian Australian second and third generations.
Dr Maestri started her teaching career at the University of Bath in 2001 and was appointed Lector of Italian at the University of Oxford in 2008. She has also tutored at Bristol University’s Language Centre, and taught undergraduate units and specialist Master’s modules in Translation Studies at UWE and the University of Portsmouth. She has delivered guest lectures in Translation and Gender at the Universities of Sydney, Auckland and Wellington (NZ). She has attended specialist training courses in language teaching methodologies and obtained funding to attend summer schools in Translation Studies and Intercultural & Gender Studies at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, University College London, the University of Utrecht, the University of Florence, and Monash University, Melbourne (Australia). She has delivered language workshops internationally: Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Florence, Johannesburg, Madrid, Oxford, Dublin, Warsaw, and Rome, aimed at prospective language teachers.
Dr Maestri was the recipient of a grant from the British Federation of Women Graduates (in 2006) and has co-organised events, among which the post-graduate symposium Negotiating Modernity (University of Bath, 2010), with the Roberts funding from the Research Council U.K. In 2008 she was the recipient of a ‘Student Employee of the Year Award’ at Bath and in 2011 she achieved joint second place in the R.H. Gapper Postgraduate Essay Prize competition (Society for French Studies). She is currently an Associate Member of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing (IGRS, University of London).
Research interests
Dr Maestri has published in the field of Translation and Gender Studies and is in the process of publishing her PhD with John Benjamins publishing house. The book provisional title is: Translating the female self across cultures.
Administrative roles
- Language Teaching Coordinator
Selected publications
- (2014) ‘Dialogic spaces and literary resonances in the French translation of A.S Byatt’s autobiographical short story’, in Literary Translation: Re-drawing the Boundaries, Boase-Beier, Antoinette Fawcett and Philip Wilson (eds.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- (2014). ‘Quale Europa? In Italia o in Australia? Percezioni e visioni europee degli italiani australiani di seconda e terza generazione’ in Cultura e costruzione del culturale. Fabbriche dei pesieri in Italia nel novecento e verso il terzo millennio, Ilona Fried (ed.). Budapest: Ponte Alapítvány, pp. 263-298. Available online at http://italogramma.elte.hu/articoli/societa-e-storia/quale-europa-italia-o-australia-percezioni-e-visioni-europee-degli-italian
- Dott. Mod. Lang. and Lit. (Parma)
- PhD (Bath)