Women Writers in Translation
“Translating Women: breaking borders and building bridges in the English-language book industry” (2019) - funded by OWRI/AHRC SAS London.
- Two-day event at the IMLR (London) with practising translators, publishers, activists and scholars from accross the world to discuss the challenges facing women in translation and how we might overcome them.
- Two public events entitled "Author-Translator in Conversation" were organised for the general public at the IMLR, featuring a woman writer and her translator/s into English (full video available here for Day One and Day Two).
- Influence within and beyond academia evidenced by conference hashtag #TWConf19
Reports about the conference published in literary magazines, specialised blogs and journals, Margaret Carson's WiT goes to Senate House, Barbara Spicer's both Conference report: Translating Women. Journal of Romance Studies 20:1,189-191, and her Where are all the women? Living Languages blog. A piece was algo published on Asymptote (here) with an interview to the organisers.
“Feminism and Translation in the Publishing Industry” (2024) - organised by PEEMPIP at the Thessaloniki Book Fair.
I was invited to take part in the Thessaloniki Book Fair in 2024, and held a conversation with Greek feminist translation scholar Dr Vasiliki Misiou on the topic of feminism and translation in the Anglophone, Catalan/Galician/Basque and Greek publishing industry.
See youtube video of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5rdetNY3uc

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