Daniel Cabeza-Campillo
PhD Translation & Transcultural Studies
Email: daniel dot cabeza-campillo at warwick dot ac dot uk
Daniel Cabeza-Campillo is a PhD student in Translation and Transcultural Studies at the University of Warwick. His doctoral project, funded by the SMLC Doctoral Scholarship, is supervised by Dr Olga CastroLink opens in a new window and Dr Tom WhittakerLink opens in a new window.
Prior to coming to the University of Warwick, Daniel was a Career Development Fellow (CDF) in Spanish at the University of Oxford, teaching Spanish language, oral skills, writing skills, grammar and translation as part of the BA in Modern Languages. He also worked as a Research Assistant on the Digital Humanities project COMUN-ESLink opens in a new window (Comunidad de Investigadores del Español) and he was an Editorial Assistant for the Journal of Spanish Language TeachingLink opens in a new window, a peer-reviewed journal specialised in the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language.
PhD Thesis Title: Brexit in Translation: Critical Metaphor Analysis in British and Spanish Online Media (2016-2022).
Daniel's doctoral project aims to provide an in-depth and interdisciplinary analysis of how conceptual metaphors about Brexit have been translated in the news from English into Spanish (BBC News and BBC News Mundo, The Guardian and elDiario.es) and Spanish into English (El País and El País English Edition) from January 2016 to January 2022.
Research interests
Translation Studies; News Translation; Metaphor Studies; Critical Discourse Analysis; Spanish Language.
Book reviews
'Muñoz-Basols, Javier, Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez, and Luis Cerezo (eds.). 2024. La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología. De la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). London and New York: Routledge'. Porta Linguarum. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 42 (2024): 337-339. Article Weblink
Conferences and events
Middlebury College (Vermont, USA). 2023. Workshop: “Traducción del discurso mediático sobre Gibraltar: metáforas conceptuales y su aplicabilidad a la enseñanza del español”. XI Jornadas Internacionales para la Pedagogía del Español como L2.
Middlebury College (Vermont, USA). 2022. Workshop: “Amor entre culturas: la traducción de metáforas conceptuales en la enseñanza de español LE/L2”. X Jornadas Internacionales para la Pedagogía del Español como L2.
Scholarships and awards
SMLC Doctoral Scholarship (2022-2026)
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (issued 18/10/2021)
Teaching experience
2021-2024. Spanish Language Faculty (7-week summer program) (Middlebury College, USA)
2022-2023. Teaching Associate in Translation Studies with Spanish (Aston University)
2019-2022. Career Development Fellow in Spanish (University of Oxford)
2018-2019. Spanish Evening Tutor (University of East Anglia)
MA in Applied Translation Studies (University of East Anglia, 2018)
BA in Translation, Media and Modern Languages (University of East Anglia, 2016)
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE)
Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher Education in the UK (ELEUK)
Chartered Institute of Linguistics (CIOL)
Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)