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Dott.ssa Gioia Panzarella

In August 2018, I joined the Global Sustainable Development department. Please check my new webpage.


Gioia Panzarella did her PhD Student in Italian Studies and, in 2018, she was an Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study.

She has worked on a thesis on Italian migration literature in Italian. She holds a postgraduate certificate in teaching Italian as a second language. She has coordinated the reading group Migration and Literature and co-founded the ISDC seminars. Gioia has been the Warwick PhD student rep on the MITN Committee (May 2015 - Sept 2016) an the social media manager for Italian (Warwick) (Nov 2014-Jan 2016).

She has co-lead the Collaborative Translation: a Model for Inclusion project (July 2016-July 2017). Link to the website. Visit: Final event in Prato, 3-4 July 2017

Research interests

Gioia researches migration literature and teaching Italian as a Second/Foreign Language.

Thesis abstract

Disseminating Migration Literature: A Dialogue with Contemporary Italy

This research, supervised by Dr Jennifer Burns and funded by CADRE, centres on migration literature in the Italian language and, in particular, on the impact that literary texts written by migrant authors may have on Italian societal structures and practices. Considering the urgency of bringing new perspectives to current debates on migration, the aim of this research is not to analyse critically the body of texts written by migrant writers. Rather, the focus is on the public perception of it, and on the ways in which migration literature has been presented and disseminated for a range of audiences.

The role that migration writings play within a wider discourse around migration is discussed, analysing aims, contents and outcomes of selected case studies in this perspective. These cultural initiatives range from seminar series and book launches to television programmes, from digital outputs to educational materials for schools.


2017-2018: IT201 - Modern Italian Language II (grammar)

2016-2017: IT201 - Modern Italian Language II (grammar); IT301 - Modern Italian Language II (grammar); IT401 - Modern Italian Language III (oral)

2015-2016: IT301 - Modern Italian Language II (grammar) ; IT401 - Modern Italian Language III (oral)

2014-2015: IT105 - Working Italian


  • HEA - Higher Education Academy (Associate Fellow)
  • SIS - Society for Italian Studies
  • ODG - Ordine dei Giornalisti - elenco pubblicisti (Italian Journalists’ Association)
  • APIDIS - Albo Professionale Italiano dei Docenti di Italiano a stranieri


  • Postgraduate Certificate: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Warwick)
  • Postgraduate Certificate: Promoitals - Teaching Italian as a Second Language (Milan)
  • MA Lingue e letterature europee ed extraeuropee - Anglophone literatures (Milan)

  • BA Lingue e culture moderne - English and German (Palermo)

Check Identities in motion 3 - 14 March 2018, co-organized with Gianmarco Mancosu.
