Dr Enea Zaramella
Visiting Fellow in Hispanic Studies
Email: e dot zaramella at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building
University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Enea received his PhD from Princeton University in June 2015. His dissertation, entitled “Textualidades tímbricas: Mário de Andrade, Felisberto Hernández, Alejo Carpentier”, draws attention to the multifaceted relationships between cultural practices, politics, and literary production during the first half of the 20th century in Latin America discussing the ways in which technological devices related to the recording and reproduction of sound forged the discourse of modernity within nationalistic, cosmopolitan, and capitalistic frameworks.
Research interests
Latin American, Caribbean and Brazilian literature and cultural production
Music and literature
Processes of transculturation
Sound studies (cultural history of sound and listening practices)
Media and technology
Cultural criticism
Current projects
Enea is currently working on his first monograph, tentatively entitled The Analogic Era: Listening Practices and Cultural Production in Latin America (1890-1963).
Selected publications
- “Estridentismo and Sonido Trece: The Avant-Garde in Post-Revolutionary Mexico.” International Yearbook of Futurism Studies, Futurism in Latin America. (forthcoming 2017)
- “Entrevista a Rodrigo Hasbún.” Seminario de Estudios sobre Narrativa Latinoamericana Contemporánea. SENALC. 15 August 2016. Web.
- “Felisberteando. Notas sobre la improvisación.” Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional de Montevideo: Felisberto 10 (2015): 91-113.
- “La síncope de las ideas. El canto popular entre política y religion según la vision de Mário de Andrade.” Brasiliana – Journal for Brazilian Studies 4.1 (2015): 33-54.
- “Los alrededores de los silencios hernandianos. Una introducción.” Revista Landa 3.2 (2015): 155-188.
- “Una escucha al Contrapunteo latinoamericano de Fernando Ortiz.” Caracol 8 (2014): 18-39.
- “Poder y deshumanización del sujeto en El Apando de José Revueltas.” Revista Iberoamericana (2013): 1017-1032.
PhD and MA, Princeton University
Diploma di Laurea Specialistica and Laurea Triennale, Università degli Studi di Trieste