Translation: Contemporary Theories and Practices
Module Code: LN301 |
Module Name: Translation: Contemporary theories and practices |
Module Coordinator: Dr Mila Milani |
Not Running 2018-19 |
Module Credits: 15 |
Module Description
The module is designed to introduce you to the notion of translation as a specific set of skills, situate the practice of translation within the context of relevant theories developed in the field of Translation Studies, and raise your awareness of the role of translation and of translators in contemporary society. The module is available across the School of Modern Languages & Cultures, and does not require you to have language abilities in any specific language.
Assessment Method
Translation review (1500 words): 40%
Seminar presentation (approx. 8-10 minutes): 10 %
Annotated translation & web-based portfolio (2500 words): 50%
This module is for students who have completed their year abroad
Dr Mila Milani
Module Outline (and timetable)
Running in Term 2 in 2017/18
Wednesdays, 11-1pm in H4.03
Further information: Moodle