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LN323 Mediterranean Cinema

Module Code: LN323
Module Name: Mediterranean Cinema
Module Coordinator: Dr Douglas Morrey
Term 1
Module Credits: 15

Module Description

This module aims to enhance students' understanding of Mediterranean history, culture, and identity. Cinema will be used to explore issues such as travel, tourism, migration, orientalism, colonialism and postcolonialism. Students will develop a detailed knowledge of the area, explore the impact of colonially and postcoloniality on national cultures, understand how the Sea has been narrated though moving images. The topics discussed will include the orientalist representation of early cinema and how Europeans have filmed in North Africa; French colonial cities and their struggle for independence; the Mediterranean as a site of conflicts and encounters; the role of islands as a cinematic place; the current migration crisis. The analysis of the texts will be informed by theories of the Mediterranean, culture and film studies, national identity construction. Students will develop an awareness of how terms such as transnationalism, post colonialism, orientalism can be applied to the Mediterranean case.

Course Outline

Week 1: Introduction – [Douglas Morrey]

Week 2: Algiers 1 – Pépé le Moko (Julien Duvivier, 1937) [Reece Goodall]

Week 3: Algiers 2 – La battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966) [Jacopo Francesco Mascoli]

Week 4: Cairo – Bāb al-Ḥadīd (Cairo Station, Youssef Chahine, 1957) and Il Canale (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1966, short) [Douglas Morrey]

Week 5: Marseille - Transit (Christian Petzold, 2018) [Reece Goodall]

Week 6: Reading week

Week 7: Naples – Nostalgia (Mario Martone, 2021) [Jacopo Francesco Mascoli]

Week 8: Islands – Fuocoammare (Fire at Sea, Gianfranco Rosi, 2016) and Caro Diario (Dear Diary, Nanni Moretti, 1993 ep. Islands) [Jacopo Francesco Mascoli]

Week 9: Barcelona – En la puta vida (In This Tricky Life, Beatriz Flores Silva, 2001) [Mary Harrod]

Week 10: Transiting in the Mediterranean – Film Socialisme (Jean-Luc Godard, 2010) [Douglas Morrey]

All films are available with English subtitles.

Mode of delivery

In academic year 2024-25 the mode of delivery will consist of one in-person lecture and one-hour seminar in each teaching week of the relevant term.

Assessment method:

  • 1 x 1250-1500-word commentary/ scene analysis (30%)
  • 1 x 2500 word essay (70%)