Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in France (1880-1914)
Module Code: LN220-15 |
Module Name: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in France (1880-1914) |
Module Coordinator: Dr Clément Dessy |
Term 2 Time: TBC |
Module Credits: 15 |
Module Description
The 'Belle Époque', as it is commonly called, often resonates with images of World Fairs, the increase of transport facilities and the recklessness of social elites. At the end of the nineteenth century, the concept of cosmopolitanism resurfaces to characterize a certain attitude to life and perception of the world. Though it has inspired French thinkers at various moments since the Middle Ages, especially when the Enlightenment spread its universalist ideals across Europe, cosmopolitan ideas become more commonly debated in France from the 1880's at a time when both cultural nationalism and antisemitism develop into their current definitions and the French Republic extends its colonial empire. Despite appearances, those opposite trends went hand in hand. The period comprised between the end of the 19th century and the First World War is therefore central to understanding the tensions that will mark the political and cultural history of the twentieth century: between openness to foreign cultures and conservative nationalism, elitist cosmopolitanism and workers' internationalism, universalism and colonial imperialism, cultural attractiveness and hegemony. This module intends to explore these dimensions from historical, political and cultural points of view.
Outline syllabus
Primary Texts
An anthology of texts will be provided to the students.
Assessment Method:
50% - Formal examination