FR113 Term 1 2015-16 bibliography
Charles Sowerwine,France since 1870 (2007) Suggested for purchase.
Robert Gildea, France since 1945 (1995, 2002)
Rod Keward, La Vie en bleu. France and the French since 1900 (2006)
James McMillan,Twentieth-century France(1991)
Maurice Larkin, France since the Popular Front (1988)
Richard Vinen, France 1934-1970 (1996)
Brian Jenkins, Tony Chafer, France from the Cold War to the new world order (1996)
France in the 1930s
Julian Jackson, The Popular Front in France (1988)
Gérard Noiriel, Workers in French Society in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (1990), chapter 5
Jessica Wardhaugh, In Pursuit of the People: Political Culture in France, 1934–39 (2009)
Robert Soucy, French Fascism. The Second Wave (1995)
Brian Jenkins (ed.), France in the era of Fascism: Essays on the French Authoritarian Right (2005)
Eugen Weber, The Hollow Years. France in the 1930s (1995)
Defeat, Occupation and the Vichy regime (week 2)
Philippe Burrin, Living with Defeat. France under the German Occupation, 1940–1944 (1996)
Julian Jackson, France. The Dark Years, 1940–1944 (2001)
Robert Gildea, Marianne in chains: in search of the German occupation, 1940–1944 (2002)
Robert Paxton, Vichy France (1972, 2001)
Julian Jackson, The Fall of France (2003)
Joel Blatt ed., The French Defeat of 1940. Reassessments (1998)
Robert Gildea, ‘Les Années noires’? Clandestine dancing in Occupied France', in Ceri Crossley and Martyn Cornick eds., Problems in French History (2000)
R Kedward and R Austin (eds), Vichy France and the Resistance: Culture and Ideology (1985)
H.R. Kedward, Occupied France: Collaboration and Resistance 1940-1944 (1985)
Richard Vinen, The Unfree French: life under the occupation (2006)
Hanna Diamond, Fleeing Hitler: France 1940 (2007)
Ian Ousby, Occupation: The Ordeal of France 1940-1944 (1997)
Post-war Politics (week 3)
H.R. Kedward, Nancy Wood, The Liberation of France: Image and Event(1995)
Henri Rousseau, ‘L’épuration, une histoire inachevée’, Vingtième siècle 33 (Jan-March 1992) (JSTOR)
Hilary Footitt, War and Liberation in France. Living with the Liberators(2004) (also e-book)
Andrew Shennan,Rethinking France. Plans for Renewal, 1940–46(1989)
Philip Maynard Williams,Crisis and Compromise: Politics in the Fourth Republic (1964)
Jean-Pierre Rioux, The Fourth Republic, 1944–58
Jon Cowans, ‘French Public Opinion and the founding of the Fourth Republic’, French Historical Studies17.1 (Spring 1991), 62–95 (JSTOR)
France and the Cold War (week 4)
Tony Judt, Past Imperfect. French Intellectuals, 1944–56 (1992)
Richard Kuisel, ‘Coca-cola and the Cold War: the French face Americanisation, 1948–1953’, French Historical Studies 17 (1991), 96–116 (JSTOR)
Richard Kuisel, Seducing the French. The Dilemma of Americanisation (1993) (also an electronic resource)
Denis Lacorne, The Rise and fall of anti-Americanism. A century of French perception (1990)
Douglas Brinkley and Clifford Hackett, Jean Monnet: the Path of European unity (1991)
Robert Aldrich and John Connell, France in World Politics (1989)
Stanley Hoffmann, ‘De Gaulle, Europe, and the Atlantic Alliance’, International Organization18.1 (Winter 1964), pp. 1–28 (JSTOR)
France and its Colonies (week 5)
Michèle Bacholle-Boskovíc, ‘La Guerre d’Algérie expliquée à nos enfants’, The French Review 76.5 (April 2003), 968–982
Jacques Adda, Marie-Claude Smouts, La France face au sud. Le miroir brisé (Paris, Karthala, 1989)
Jennifer M Dueck, ‘The Middle East and North Africa in the Imperial and Post-Colonial Historiography of France’, Historical Journal 50.4 (2007), 935-49 (JSTOR)
Alec Hargreaves (ed.), Memory, empire, and postcolonialism: legacies of French colonialism (2005)
Alistair Horne, A Savage war of peace. Algeria, 1954–1962 (1977, 2006)
Patrick Rotman and Bertrand Tavernier, La Guerre sans nom. Les Appelés d’Algérie, 1954–1962 (1992)
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, La Torture dans la République(1970)
Todd Shepard, The Invention of decolonisation: the Algerian war and the remaking of France(2006)
Benjamin Stora, La Gangrène et l’oubli. La mémoire de la guerre d’Algérie (1992)
Rural Change (week 7)
Modern and Contemporary France, special edition, August 2003
Sarah Farmer, 'Memoirs of French peasant life: progress and nostalgia in postwar France', French History25.3 (September 2011), pp. 362–79 (available via library website)
Jean Fourastié, Les Trente glorieuses ou la Révolution invisible (1979)
Pierre Alphandéry, Pierre Bitoun, Yves Dupont, Les champs du départ. Une France rurale sans paysans? (1990)
Jean-François Chanet, ‘Terroirs et pays: mort et transfiguration’, Vingtième siècle 69 (Jan–March 2001) (JSTOR)
Stanley Hoffmann, Le Mouvement Poujade(1956)
Betrand Hervieu, Nonna Mayer, Pierre Muller, François Purseigle, Jacques Rémy (dir.), Les mondes agricoles en politique: De la fin des paysans au retour de la question agricole (2010)
Henri Mendras, The Vanishing peasant. Innovation and change in French Agriculture (1970)
Anny Cordié, Le 15 mai 1927 était un dimanche: récit d’une enfance villageoise (2001)
May ‘68 (week 8)
Kristin Ross, May 68 and its afterlives (2002)
Julian Bourg, ‘Hello to all that: rescuing May 68’, French Cultural Studies14.1, no. 40 (Feb 2003), 117–26 (JSTOR)
Jacques Capdevieille and René Mouriaux, Mai 68. L’Entre-deux de la modernité. Histoire de trente ans. (1988)
David Hanley, May ’68: coming of age (1989)
Marc Rohan, Paris ’68: graffiti, posters, newspapers and poems of the May 68 events (1988)
Christine Fauré, Mai 68 en France, ou la révolte du citoyen disparu (2008)
Raymond Aron, La révolution introuvable: réflexions sur la Révolution de Mai (1968)
Maurice Grimaud, En Mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît: le Préfet de Police de mai 68 parle. (1977)
Keith Reader, The May 1968 Events in France: Reproductions and Interpretations. (1993)
The Left (week 9)
John Gaffney, Political Leadership in France from de Gaulle to Sarkozy (2010), Chs on Mitterrand
Charles Sowerwine, France since 1870 (2009), Chs on Mitterrand
Parliamentary Affairs 56.1 (2003) (special issue on the left)
Sudhir Hazareesingh, Intellectuals and the French Communist Party. Disillusion and Decline(1991)
David Bell and B Criddle,The French Socialist Party. The Emergence of a Party of Government (1988)
Alistair Cole, François Mitterrand. A Study in Political Leadership (1994)
Tony Judt, Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944–56 (1992)
Nick Hewlett, 'Voting in the Shadow of the Crisis: The French Presidential and Parliamentary Elections of 2012,' in Modern and Contemporary France (Vol. 20, No.4, November 2012) Particularly important for Hollande's election (available via library website)
Ludivine Bantigny, ‘Looking for the left: left-wing groups and Nicolas Sarkozy’, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 16.3 (June 2012), 371-82 (via library website)
Raymond Kuhn, ‘The French presidential and parliamentary elections, 2012’, Representation 49.1 (April 2013), 97-114 (via library website)
David Hanley, ‘Changing the Parti Socialiste: renewal or adaptation?’ Journal of Contemporary European Studies 16.1 (April 2008), 83-97 (via library website)
The Right (week 10)
John Gaffney, Political leadership in France: from Charles de Gaulle to Nicholas Sarkozy (2010)
Nick Hewlett, The Sarkozy Phenomenon (2011)
J.G Shields, The Extreme Right in France from Pétain to Le Pen (2007)
Roy Pierce, ‘De Gaulle and the RPF - a post-mortem’, The Journal of Politics 16.1 (Feb 1954), 96–119
Frank Tallett and Nick Atkin, The Right in France, from the Revolution to Le Pen (2003)
Peter Davies, The Extreme Right in France, from 1789 to the present (2002)
Eugen Weber, 'The Right in France: a working hypothesis', The American Historical Review 65.3 (1955) 3-11 (JSTOR)
Stanley Hoffmann, ‘De Gaulle, Europe, and the Atlantic Alliance’, International Organization 18.1 (Winter 1964), pp. 1-28
Richard Golsan, 'The Le Pen moment', Substance 32.1 (2003), 128-43 (JSTOR)
Nonna Mayer and Pascal Perrineau, ‘Why do they vote for Le Pen?’,European Journal of Political Research, 22 (1992), 123–41
Emmanuel Godin, ‘The porosity between the mainstream right and extreme right in France: les droites décomplexées under Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen’s leadership’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 21.1 (March 2013), 53-67
Paul Hainsworth, ‘The extreme right in France: the rise and rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Front national’, Representation 40.2 (January 2004), 101-114
Aurélien Mondon, ‘Sarkozy’s legitimization of the Front National: background and perspectives’, Patterns of Prejudice 47.1 (February 2013), 22-40